FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Help get your recently published data into FlyBase
FlyBase News

Have you published a paper recently? You can help to get your data into FlyBase using our Fast-Track Your Paper tool. FlyBase is now e-mailing the corresponding authors of newly published papers each week requesting that they "flag" the types of data and reagents described in the paper to prioritise papers for further data extraction by FlyBase curators. They can also list the genes studied, and the paper is added to the reference section of the gene reports at the next website update. Just click on the link in the email to start the process.

If you have published a paper in the last year but have not received an email from us, or if you think we may have missed an older paper, you can use the Fast-Track Your Paper button on the Home Page to check its curation status by searching for it. If the paper hasn't yet been looked at, you can help us to get it into the curation pipeline by using the tool.

With your help we can ensure that the most relevant data reaches FlyBase and the Drosophila community as quickly as possible, and we want to thank everyone who has already taken the time to use the tool.