FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
New FlyBase Site - Beta
FlyBase News

New FlyBase Site - Beta

FlyBase would like to announce an open beta test of our new web site. We invite you to take a look and tell us what you like and don't like at this early stage. Please direct feedback here.


Improvements in the new website:

  • Mobile friendly responsive page design
  • Redesigned reports with added features
  • Improved tools: faster and more interactive
  • Modern API for open programmatic data access
  • ...and much more


All our reports are getting a much needed upgrade. Changes include:
  • Wider page layout
  • Responsive layout that scales from small to large devices
  • Sidebar navigation within a report
  • Interactive visual displays - Gene Ontology summaries (GO Ribbons) and protein domains
  • Improved display of references (currently only in Gene reports)
If you see some missing data on the new site, don't worry. We are actively working on importing all existing data and do not anticipate dropping anything at this time.


Many tools are getting an upgrade as well. Our HitList tool has been completely revamped to quickly get you useful information about your search results, offers a list and table view, tools for filtering results, etc. You can find it by using the Simple Search, Data Class, or References tabs.

Genes hitlist: References: Table view:

Our Sequence Download tool has also been improved and now offers an improved display, download by ID or location, regular expression support and a display of selected region coordinates.


The new site makes extensive use of APIs providing access to search services, sequence downloads, ID/symbol utilities and more. We plan to expose these for our users who aren't afraid to break out a command line tool or write their own program when required. If you have any special requests for services you would like to see, please let us know.