FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Pc3
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Key Links
Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In

mesothoracic leg & sex comb | ectopic

mesothoracic leg & sex comb tooth | ectopic

metathoracic leg & sex comb tooth | ectopic

Detailed Description

Pc3/+ adults exhibit sex combs on the second and third pairs of legs of male flies, and a defective wing development indicative of a wing to haltere transformation.

Denticle belts of Pc3 homozygous embryos exhibit homeotic transformation of all other abdominal segments into segment A8.

Pc3 homozygotes exhibit an increased number of cells expressing engrailed in a stripe during embryonic development at germ-band extension.

Heterozygous males have ectopic sex combs on the second leg (55% penetrance) and on the third leg (15% penetrance).

40% of heterozygous males have homeotic transformations of the second and third legs into the first leg (score by the presence of a sex comb on the second and/or third leg).

36% of heterozygous males raised at 29[o]C have sex comb bristles on the T3 legs.

Males heterozygous for Pc1 exhibit posterior-to-anterior leg transformation, readily visualized by the ectopic appearance of sex combs on the second or both the second and third legs.

Heterozygous adults display the following homeotic transformations: sex combs on the second and/or third leg, transformation of the fourth abdominal segment into the semblance of the posterior fifth and defective wing development indicative of wing-to-haltere transformation.

59.2% of heterozygous males show ectopic pigmentation of the A4 tergite, representing posterior transformation (A4 to A5).

Heterozygous males have ectopic sex combs on the second and third legs.

One of the characteristics of Pc3 heterozygous mutants is the loss of sternopleural bristles due to the transformation of the second thoracic segment to a first thoracic segment. Another phenotype is a partial wing-to-haltere transformation

Pc3 males have ectopic sex combs on the second and third leg.

The anterior thoracic and abdominal segments A5-A7 develop with characteristics of posterior A7 and anterior A8 in Pc3 mutant embryos. At stage 15 of development, these transformed segments contain ~9 ectopic, ventrally located genital disc precursor cells and the leg disc precursor cells are absent.

Ectopic male-specific somatic gonadal precursor (msSGP) cells are seen in both male and female Pc3/Pc15 embryos before gonad coalescence. Normal and ectopic non-sexually dimorphic somatic gonadal precursor cell (SGP) specification is also seen in these mutant embryos. At later stage in mutant male embryos, a large number of ectopic msSGPs associate with SGPs and germ cells to form a gonad. However, in most mutant female embryos msSGPs are no longer seen at later stages.

33-36% of T2 legs and 0% of T3 legs have sex combs in heterozygous males.

100% of heterozygous males have sex comb teeth on the second and/or third leg. Expressivity of the phenotype is 52%.

The frequency of breaks in the polytene chromosomes of heterozygous larvae is normal.

Pc3 heterozygous flies exhibit ectopic sex combs on the mesothoracic and metathoracic legs at a low penetrance.

7% of heterozygotes have extra sex combs (on the 2nd or 3rd leg) and 8% of heterozygotes show transformation of antenna to leg.

Heterozygotes do not show transformation of abdominal segment 6 to abdominal segment 7. There is an average of 0.3 extra sex combs (average total number of extra sex comb teeth on the four posterior legs of a male).

Homozygous embryos show strong transformation of all the thoracic and abdominal segments to more posterior abdominal segments.

34.4% of heterozygous males show transformation of antenna to leg.

The pattern of BrdU incorporation in the central nervous system is abnormal in homozygous stage 16/17 embryos; the lateral sites of BrdU incorporation are abolished, and ectopic sites of BrdU incorporation are seen ventrally.

Does not affect the position effect variegation (PEV) at the w locus caused by In(1)wm4 or PEV at the B locus caused by Dp(1;Y)BSCV.

Heterozygous males have ectopic sex combs on the second leg.

Embryonic lethal or semi-lethal when heterozygous with ph-d2. Unhatched larvae carry segmentation defects or polarity defects.

The loss of the zygotic Pc causes a severe transformation of most segments towards parasegment 8 (Lewis, Nature 276: 565-570, Duncan, Developmental Order, pp 533--554, New York).

lab expression in midgut (as indicated by lab-Ecol\lacZ fusion genes) extended anteriorly.

Lack midgut constrictions.

Does not interact with RpII140wimp maternal effect.

Extra sex combs phenotype.

Ectopic sex comb teeth in males.

Pc3, Df(3L)Pc embryos have a cuticle phenotype in which each segment is transformed toward a segment with characteristics of the posterior seventh and anterior eighth abdominal segments. The transformation is often not complete in the head or thorax. In Pc- mutant embryos the en reporter gene expression was incompletely repressed creating discs that had a morphology like that of genital discs with thick ridges and Ba expression is indistinguishable from wild type.

Heterozygotes have partial transformation of wing to metathorax. This phenotype is abolished in flies also carrying a Ubx mutation in the coding region or abx regulatory region.

In double mutants Pc3, fs(1)N12 all abdominal segments are transformed to the eighth abdominal segment.

Heterozygous adults show transformations of 2nd leg to 1st leg, wing to haltere, and ventral wing margin to dorsal wing margin.

Transformation of anterior segments to the 8th abdominal segment.

Homozygous embryos show variable transformation of the mesothoracic denticle belt and anterior-most dorsal spinules to resemble those of more posterior segments. There is also an anterior transformation of some mesothoracic cuticle structures, such as a reduction in spinule density on the dorsal surface. A similar transformation is seen in the metathorax. Homozygous Pc3 embryos that are also hemizygous for Scr- have enhanced posterior transformation of posterior portions of the head, prothorax, and mesothorax.

Heterozygous males have extra sex combs on the second legs. The penetrance of this phenotype is 96.4% at 22oC and 100% at 29oC.

Heterozygous adults often show partial transformations of antenna to leg, second and third leg to first leg, and wing to haltere. Transformation of the first, fourth, fifth and sixth abdominal segments to more posterior segments are also seen.

Homozygous embryos have defects in the brain and ventral cord regions of the central nervous system. The supraesophageal ganglia are strongly reduced, especially where they connect to the subesophageal ganglia, and the intracortical cell bands are absent from all neuromeres.

partial transformations of second and third legs into first legs in Pc/+ heterozygotes Sex combs of males are larger and resemble those of Scx.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Haspin128/Haspin128

Haspin128, Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by vtdex3

Haspin128, Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by pds5e6

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Adf1[+]/Adf101349

Pc3 has homeotic | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Adf1[+]/Adf101349

Pc3 has homeotic | dominant | male phenotype, enhanceable by CG9007[+]/upSETe00365

Pc3 has homeotic | dominant | male phenotype, enhanceable by upSETMB08950/CG9007[+]

Pc3 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Hcf[+]/HcfHR1

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Kdm2KG04325/Kdm2[+]

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Kdm2EY01336/Kdm2[+]

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Kdm2[+]/Kdm2DG12810

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by wtsx1/wts[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by hpoMGH4/hpo[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by esc21/esc[+]

Pc3 has visible | recessive | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has visible | recessive | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Sirt117/Sir2[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Sir2[+]/Sirt12A-7-11

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by +/Df(2R)Δ18

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psqRF13

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psq0115

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/TrlR85

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Scm4

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by Scm5

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmD1

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmD2

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmET50

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmH1

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmK2

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmM36

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmM56

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmR5-13

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, enhanceable by ScmSuz302

Pc3 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by corto420

Pc3/Pc[+], ph-p410 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by E(Pc)17B[+]/E(Pc)17B2.2.31

Pc3, ph-p[+]/ph-p410 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by E(Pc)17B[+]/E(Pc)17B2.2.31

Pc3, ph-p[+]/ph-p410 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by effmer1/eff[+]

Pc3/Pc[+], ph-p410 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by effmer1/eff[+]

NOT Enhanced by

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, non-enhanceable by vtdex3

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, non-enhanceable by pds5e6

Pc3 has visible | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by tara03881/tara03881

Pc3 has homeotic | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by tara03881/tara03881

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Suppressed by

Pc3 has homeotic | dominant | male | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP03463

Pc3 has homeotic | dominant | male | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP87De-10

Pc3 has visible | dominant | male | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP03463

Pc3 has visible | dominant | male | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP87De-10

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, suppressible by scf1/scf[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)vin2

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by tnaL6731

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by tnaS058302

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by tnarI075

Pc3 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by tna1

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, suppressible by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, suppressible by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3/Pc[+], ph-p410 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Su(Pc)35CDT41.2/Su(Pc)35CD[+]

Pc3, ph-p[+]/ph-p410 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Su(Pc)35CDT41.2/Su(Pc)35CD[+]

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by M(3)80[+]/M(3)801

Pc3 has visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)M(3)LS4

NOT suppressed by

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, non-suppressible by vtdex3

Pc3 has homeotic phenotype, non-suppressible by pds5e6

Pc3 has visible | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by tara03881/tara03881

Pc3 has homeotic | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by tara03881/tara03881

Enhancer of

Pc3 is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of UbxCbx-1

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of vgCL2C/vgnw

Pc3 is an enhancer of homeotic phenotype of Ubx1:Cbx-1

Pc3 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Ubx1:Cbx-1

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of visible phenotype of DpUAS.cDa, E2f1UAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of gcmPyx

NOT Enhancer of

Pc3/Pc3 is a non-enhancer of visible | embryonic stage phenotype of tara03881

Pc3/Pc3 is a non-enhancer of homeotic | embryonic stage phenotype of tara03881

Pc3/Pc[+] is a non-enhancer of decreased body size | adult stage phenotype of HcfHR1

Suppressor of

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of E2f1RNAi.UAS.cJa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of E2f1RNAi.UAS.cJa, Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1

Pc3 is a suppressor of abnormal eye color | male phenotype of w69C

Pc3 is a suppressor of abnormal eye color | female phenotype of w69C

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype of brm[+]/brm2, trxE2

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype of ash117, trxB11/trx[+]

NOT Suppressor of

Pc3/Pc3 is a non-suppressor of visible | embryonic stage phenotype of tara03881

Pc3/Pc3 is a non-suppressor of homeotic | embryonic stage phenotype of tara03881

Pc3/Pc[+] is a non-suppressor of decreased body size | adult stage phenotype of HcfHR1

Pc3 is a non-suppressor of lethal phenotype of Ras85DV12.sev, sevS11.Tag:MYC

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Adf1[+]/Adf101349

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Adf1[+]/Adf101349

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Adf1[+]/Adf101349

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by CG9007[+]/upSETe00365

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by upSETMB08950/CG9007[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by wtsx1/wts[+]

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by wtsx1/wts[+]

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by wtsx1/wts[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by hpoMGH4/hpo[+]

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by hpoMGH4/hpo[+]

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by hpoMGH4/hpo[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by esc21/esc[+]

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by esc21/esc[+]

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by esc21/esc[+]

Pc3 has sternopleural bristle phenotype, enhanceable by Caf1-180270/Caf1[+]

Pc3 has adult external mesothorax phenotype, enhanceable by Caf1-180270/Caf1[+]

Pc3 has adult external prothorax | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Caf1-180270/Caf1[+]

Pc3 has haltere | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Caf1-180270/Caf1[+]

Pc3 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Caf1-180270/Caf1[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by gpp[+]/gppX

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by gpp[+]/gppXXV

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by gpp[+]/gpp8

Pc3 has haltere | ectopic | female phenotype, enhanceable by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has prothoracic leg | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has wing | female phenotype, enhanceable by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has abdominal segment 4 | male phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has abdominal segment 5 | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has haltere | ectopic | female phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has haltere | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has prothoracic leg | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has wing | female phenotype, enhanceable by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has haltere | ectopic | female phenotype, enhanceable by Usp7KG06814/Usp7[+]

Pc3 has wing | female phenotype, enhanceable by Usp7KG06814/Usp7[+]

Pc3 has haltere | ectopic | female phenotype, enhanceable by Usp7kim1/Usp7[+]

Pc3 has wing | female phenotype, enhanceable by Usp7kim1/Usp7[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic | male phenotype, enhanceable by Usp7kim1

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Sirt117/Sir2[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Sirt117/Sir2[+]

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Sir2[+]/Sirt12A-7-11

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Sir2[+]/Sirt12A-7-11

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by +/Df(2R)Δ18

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psqRF13

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psqRF13

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psqRF13

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psq0115

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psq0115

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by psq[+]/psq0115

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/TrlR85

Pc3 has antenna phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/TrlR85

Pc3 has leg | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/TrlR85

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/TrlR85

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/TrlR85

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 | male phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has sex comb phenotype, enhanceable by corto420

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic & mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/Trl13C

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Trl62

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Trl13C

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic & mesothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/Trl62

Pc3 has antenna phenotype, enhanceable by ph-p[+]/ph-p410

Pc3, ph-p[+]/ph-p410 has antenna phenotype, enhanceable by E(Pc)17B[+]/E(Pc)17B2.2.31

Pc3, ph-p[+]/ph-p410 has antenna phenotype, enhanceable by effmer1/eff[+]

Pc3/Pc[+], ph-p410 has antenna phenotype, enhanceable by E(Pc)17B[+]/E(Pc)17B2.2.31

Pc3/Pc[+], ph-p410 has antenna phenotype, enhanceable by effmer1/eff[+]

Pc3 has phenotype, enhanceable by Asx5

Pc3 has phenotype, enhanceable by ph-d1

Pc3 has phenotype, enhanceable by ph-d2

Pc3 has phenotype, enhanceable by ph-d4

Pc3 has embryonic segment phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2R)Pcl11B/Pcl1

Pc3 has mouth hook phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2R)Pcl11B/Pcl1

Pc3 has embryonic head phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2R)Pcl11B/Pcl1

NOT Enhanced by

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-403550/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4II-R35-R7/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4+t14/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-4I-R35-R7

Pc3 has antenna phenotype, non-enhanceable by trr1

Pc3 has leg | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by trr1

Suppressed by

Pc3 has metathoracic leg | male phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP87De-10

Pc3 has wing phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP87De-10

Pc3 has prothoracic leg | ectopic | male phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP87De-10

Pc3 has metathoracic leg | male phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP03463

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg | male phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP03463

Pc3 has prothoracic leg | ectopic | male phenotype, suppressible | partially by CtBP[+]/CtBP03463

Pc3 has sex comb phenotype, suppressible by rdx1

Pc3 has sex comb phenotype, suppressible by ebiWKS-24

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by rdx1

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by rdx1

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by ebiWKS-24

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by ebiWKS-24

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by polybromo33.2/Bap170[+]/Bap170G5986/polybromo[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by e(y)34/Bap170[+]/Bap170G5986

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 4 | male phenotype, suppressible by scf1/scf[+]

Pc3 has adult abdominal segment 5 | ectopic | male phenotype, suppressible by scf1/scf[+]

Pc3 has abdominal tergite 4 | male phenotype, suppressible by scf1/scf[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by gpp[+]/gpp1A

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by gpp[+]/gpp94A

Pc3 has abdominal segment 4 | male phenotype, suppressible by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has abdominal segment 4 phenotype, suppressible by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has abdominal segment 5 | ectopic | male phenotype, suppressible by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by bur1/bur[+]

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has wing phenotype, suppressible by bur[+]/burk07130

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)vin2

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tna1

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tnaL6731

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tnaS058302

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tnarI075

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)vin2

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tna1

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tnaL6731

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tnaS058302

Pc3 has metathoracic leg phenotype, suppressible by tnarI075

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)vin2

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by tna1

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by tnaL6731

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by tnaS058302

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by tnarI075

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Hsc70-4195/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3 has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Hsc70-4PB2/Hsc70-4[+]

Pc3, ssa40aw has sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by trxB22

Pc3/Pc[+], ph-p410 has antenna phenotype, suppressible by Su(Pc)35CDT41.2/Su(Pc)35CD[+]

Pc3, ph-p[+]/ph-p410 has antenna phenotype, suppressible by Su(Pc)35CDT41.2/Su(Pc)35CD[+]

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg & sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by M(2)56Funspecified

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg & sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by M(3)801

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg & sex comb | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)M(3)LS4

NOT suppressed by

Pc3 has mesothoracic leg & sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(2R)ED3921

Pc3 has metathoracic leg & sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(2R)ED3921

Pc3 has antenna phenotype, non-suppressible by trr1

Pc3 has leg | ectopic phenotype, non-suppressible by trr1

Enhancer of

Pc3 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of UbxCbx-1

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of wing phenotype of vgCL2C/vgnw

Pc3 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Ubx1:Cbx-1

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of eye phenotype of DpUAS.cDa, E2f1UAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of chaeta | increased number phenotype of gcmPyx

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of wing phenotype of RYBPUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1

Pc3 is an enhancer of leg disc | somatic clone phenotype of wgαTub84B.Tag:HA

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-P6.1

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-28

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-2

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-P18.1

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-24

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-33

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-14

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-32

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-P14.1

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-19

Pc3 is an enhancer of phenotype of Abd-BFab7-3

Pc3/Pc[+] is an enhancer of antenna phenotype of ph-p410

NOT Enhancer of

Pc3/Pc[+] is a non-enhancer of humeral bristle phenotype of HcfHR1

Pc3/Pc[+] is a non-enhancer of sex comb phenotype of HcfHR1

Suppressor of

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of eye phenotype of E2f1RNAi.UAS.cJa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU

Pc3 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4lz-gal4, sensUAS.cNa

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of HcfHR1

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of trichome & haltere | ectopic phenotype of RYBPUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4Ubx-lac1-Gal4, Ubxlac1-GAL4

Pc3 is a suppressor of eye | ventral | female phenotype of w69C

Pc3 is a suppressor of eye | ventral | male phenotype of w69C

Pc3 is a suppressor of pigment cell | female phenotype of w69C

Pc3 is a suppressor of pigment cell | male phenotype of w69C

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of adult metathoracic segment phenotype of brm[+]/brm2, trxE2

Pc3/Pc[+] is a suppressor of adult metathoracic segment phenotype of ash117, trxB11/trx[+]

NOT Suppressor of

Pc3/Pc[+] is a non-suppressor of humeral bristle phenotype of HcfHR1

Pc3/Pc[+] is a non-suppressor of sex comb phenotype of HcfHR1

Pc3/Pc[+] is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PH, asf1UAS.cMa


Pc3, wtsx1/wts[+] has dendrite & dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | somatic clone phenotype

Pc3, sav[+]/sav3 has dendrite & dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | somatic clone phenotype

Pc3, hpoMGH4/hpo[+] has dendrite & dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | somatic clone phenotype

Pc3, bur1/bur[+] has wing | male phenotype

Hsc70-4[+]/Hsc70-454.1, Pc3 has wing phenotype

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

vgCL2C, Pc3 double heterozygotes display deformed wings.

Pc3 heterozygosity enhances the wing defects of vgCL2C/vgnw.

vgR5/+, Pc3/+ and vgR5/vgnw, Pc3/+ adults do not show wing notching.

The formation of ectopic wing veins observed in adult flies expressing Marcal1Scer\UAS.cBa under the control of Scer\GAL4tub.PU is exacerbated by combination with a single copy of Pc3.

Adf101349/+ enhances the ectopic sex comb phenotype seen in Pc3/+ males. The double heterozygotes have ectopic sex combs on the second leg (90% penetrance) and on the third leg (75% penetrance).

The penetrance of the ectopic sex comb phenotype seen on the second and/or third legs of Pc3/+ flies (40%) is enhanced if they are also heterozygous for either upSETe00365 (89%) or upSETMB08950 (76%).

The disorganised eye phenotype caused by expression of sensScer\UAS.cNa under the control of Scer\GAL4lz-gal4 is suppressed by Pc3.

HcfHR1/+ enhances the penetrance of the T2 to T1 transformation (reduction of the sternopleural region) seen in Pc3/+ flies, from 3% to 40%.

The adult size and humeral bristle phenotypes of HcfHR1 mutants are not affected by Pc3/+. The reduced sex comb phenotype of HcfHR1 is not modified by Pc3/+. The ectopic vein phenotype of HcfHR1 mutants is suppressed by Pc3/+.

4% of Pc3/+ ; HcfHR1 males have defects in rotation of the genitalia.

The increased apoptosis seen in Scer\GAL4nub-AC-62 RYBPScer\UAS.cBa wing discs is unaffected in a Pc3/+ background.

100% of Pc3/+ males that are also expressing nejScer\UAS.T:SV5\V5 under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.PB at 29[o]C have sex comb bristles on the T3 legs.

The frequency of posterior-to-anterior leg transformations is reduced in transheterozygous males when Pc3 is combined with both Bap170G5986/+ and polybromo33.2/+. Hemizygous e(y)34 males display an almost complete suppression of the Pc3 leg transformation phenotype.

The frequency of homeotic transformations is significantly higher in flies transheterozygous for Pc3 and Kdm2KG04325, Kdm2EY01336 or Kdm2DG12810, compared to flies heterozygous for Pc3 alone.

The penetrance of the ectopic pigmentation phenotype seen in the A4 tergite of Pc3/+ males is reduced from 59.2% to 30.6% if they are also heterozygous for scf1.

Pc3/wtsx1,Pc3/sav3 and Pc3/hpoMGH4 double heterozygous larvae show dendritic defects in ddaC neurons; there is a significant reduction in the number of dendritic branchpoints.

The ectopic sex comb phenotype seen on the second and third legs of Pc3/+ males is enhanced by wtsx1/+, esc21/+ and hpoMGH4/+.

One copy of Caf1-180270 enhances the loss-of-sternopleural-bristle and the wing-to-haltere transformation phenotypes of heterozygous Pc3.

Df(2R)ED3921 fails to suppress the ectopic sex comb phenotype of Pc3 mutants.

The ectopic wing hairs seen on the halteres of RYBPScer\UAS.cBa ; Ubxlac1-GAL4 (Scer\GAL4Ubx-lac1-Gal4) flies are suppressed by Pc3/+. In contrast, the reduced wing phenotype of RYBPScer\UAS.cBa; Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 flies is enhanced by Pc3/+.

The ectopic genital disc precursor cells seen in Pc3 single mutant stage 15 embryos are absent in Pc3 Abd-Biab8-D14 double mutant embryos and the leg disc precursor cells are present.

The addition of Pc3 increases the rate of leg to wing disc transdetermination to 17.7%.

Females transheterozygous for Usp7KG06814 and Pc3 show antenna to leg transformations, which are not observed in Pc3 flies. Usp7KG06814 strongly enhances the frequency and severity of a range of homeotic transformations caused by Pc3 flies. In combination with either hetero- (females) or hemizygous (males) Pc3 flies, Usp7KG06814 significantly increases the penetrance of wing-to-haltere transformations. Likewise, there is a strong increase in the frequency and extent of transformations of the fourth abdominal segment (A4) into the semblance of the fifth (A5), indicated by increased dark pigmentation of the A4. Transheterozygous Usp7kim1/Pc3 flies exhibit partial antenna to leg transformations. Usp7kim1 strongly enhances the frequency and severity of a range of homeotic transformations caused by Pc3 flies. For example, wing-to-haltere transformations occur only very rarely in heterozygous Pc3 flies. However, in combination with either hetero- or hemizygous Usp7kim1, in respectively females or males, the penetrance of wing-to-haltere transformations is significantly increased. Likewise, there is a strong increase in the frequency and extent of transformations of the fourth abdominal segment (A4) into the semblance of the fifth (A5), indicated by increased dark pigmentation of the A4. In males hemizygous for Usp7kim1 and heterozygous for Pc3, the frequency of sex combs on the second leg (L2-L1) is strongly increased compared to flies harboring only a Pc3 mutation. Females transheterozygous for Usp7kim1 and Pc3 exhibit antenna to leg (Ant-L) transformations, which are detected in Pc3 flies, but at a lower penetrance than in Usp7KG06814/Pc3 flies. Flies transheterozygous for burk07130 and Pc3 exhibit very strong wing-to-haltere transformations. In addition, males transheterozygous for burk07130 and Pc3 also show partial transformation of the anterior abdominal segments A4 towards A5 and carry sex combs on the second legs.

The frequency of ectopic sex combs seen in Pc3/+ males is increased by Sir22A-7-11; in Sir22A-7-11/+ ; Pc3/+ double heterozygous males, 98% of T2 legs and 61% of T3 legs have sex combs, while in Sir22A-7-11/Sir22A-7-11 ; Pc3/+ males, 99% of T2 legs and 78% of T3 legs have sex combs. The frequency of ectopic sex combs seen in Pc3/+ males is increased by Sir217; in Sir217/+ ; Pc3/+ double heterozygous males, 94% of T2 legs and 63% of T3 legs have sex combs.

Mutants heterozygous for lolalk02512, lolalk11212, or lolalk07907, when also heterozygous for Pc3, exhibit a contrabithorax phenotype, which is a wing-to-haltere transformation due to ectopic expression of Ubx in the posterior part of the wing disc. This phenotype is further enhanced in specific lolal heteroallelic viable combinations, such as lolalk02512/lolal311a, lolalk11212/lolal311a, and lolalk07907/lolal311a, when also heterozygous for Pc3.

Pc3 results in a weak derepression of w expression in the ventral part of the eye in both males and females carrying one copy of w69C in a w- background.

Pc3/+ does not suppress the rough eye phenotype due to Scer\GAL4ey.PH; asf1Scer\UAS.cMa.

The penetrance of formation of ectopic sex combs on the mesothoracic and metathoracic legs of Pc3 heterozygous flies is significantly enhanced by heterozygosity for psq0115, psqRF13 or Df(2R)Δ18.

45% of Pc3/TrlR85 double heterozygotes have extra sex combs (on the 2nd or 3rd leg) and 25% of Pc3/TrlR85 double heterozygotes show transformation of antenna to leg.

100% of Hsc70-454.1 Pc3 double heterozygotes show transformation of abdominal segment A4 to A5 (extra black pigmentation is seen on the fourth abdominal tergite in males). 100% of Hsc70-454.1 Pc3 double heterozygotes show transformation of abdominal segment A6 to A7 (males have a reduced sixth abdominal tergite). There is an average of 34 extra sex combs (average total number of extra sex comb teeth on the four posterior legs of a male) in Hsc70-454.1 Pc3 double heterozygotes. Transformation of the first abdominal tergite towards A2 segment identity is seen in Hsc70-454.1 Pc3 double heterozygotes. The seventh tergite and sternite are almost completely removed, partially transformed into A8. Patches of wing tissue are transformed to haltere. 50% of flies show partial antenna-to-leg transformations. The progeny of Hsc70-454.1 Pc3 double heterozygous females often die as first instar larvae, even when fathers are wild type, but Hsc70-454.1 Pc3 double heterozygous males give viable offspring when mated to wild-type females.

trr1 neither enhances nor suppresses the Pc3/+ antenna transformation phenotype.

The homeotic phenotype of Pc3/+ adults is dominantly enhanced by ScmM56, ScmD1, ScmSuz302, ScmM36, Scm4, ScmD2, ScmH1, ScmET50, ScmR5-13, Scm5 or ScmK2. Partially lethal in double heterozygous combination with ScmSuz302, ScmET50 or ScmR5-13, with a higher percentage of males surviving than females.

The lethality caused by sevS11.T:Hsap\MYC in combination with Ras85DV12.sev is not suppressed by Pc3.

ssa flies carrying Pc3 exhibit 1-2 sex comb teeth on one of the legs of the second and third pair. ssa40aw in the same genetic background exhibit sex combs on the tarsi of each leg. At lower temperatures, the number of teeth increases and segmentation of the leg is highly suppressed. Introduction of trxB22 completely neutralizes the negative effect of Pc on the formation of tarsal structures.

The appearance of extra sex combs in Pc3/+ is enhanced if the flies are also heterozygous for either Trl62 or Trl13C.

Transheterozygotes of Pc3 with crm7 die as pharate adults, with second and third legs completely transformed towards the first. Ectopic sex comb teeth are found on the second tarsal segment of all legs.

In combination with ph-p410 (both heterozygous with wild type) an antenna to leg transformation is sometimes observed.

The penetrance of the Pc3/+ extra sex comb phenotype is strongly reduced by M(3)801 at 29oC but not at 22oC. The penetrance of the phenotype is also reduced by M(2)56Funspecified or Df(3L)M(3)LS4.

Pcl1/Df(2R)Pcl11B; Pc3/Pc3 embryos show very extreme posteriorly directed segmental transformations, and have a stronger phenotype than +/+ ; Pc3/Pc3 embryos; posterior spiracle-like structures appear in most segments, the mouth hook apparatus is almost completely undeveloped and a region of the head (probably from the labial segment) develops an abdominal type denticle belt.

Xenogenetic Interactions

The formation of ectopic wing veins observed in adult flies expressing Hsap\SMARCAL1Scer\UAS.cBa under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 is exacerbated by combination with a single copy of Pc3.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Not rescued by

Pc3 is not rescued by PcEGFP

Images (0)
Stocks (9)
Notes on Origin

E.B. Lewis.

Lewis, 1965.

Induced with: In(3R)P(Pc3).


The anterior transformation of mesothoracic to prothoracic structures seen in Pc3 homozygotes depends on Scr+ activity.

Clonal analysis suggests that the dorsoventral compartment boundary of the wing may be affected in Pc mutants.

In the metathorax Pc3 reduces Ubx abx mutant transformations but not bx ones, and can reduce pbx transformations if the mutant combination has a pbx cis regulatory region.

Pc3 enhances the induction of ectopic expression of Ubx from a normal paired Ubx gene in trans by UbxCbx-1, in flies carrying UbxCbx-1 in cis with Ubx loss of function mutations.

Ectopic abd-A is seen throughout the A-P axis by 9 hours. Ectopic Abd-B follows the same pattern but the anterior spread is delayed. Patchy Abd-B is seen in the epidermal cells of the head region.

Weak derepression of en expression.

Silencing of Scer\GAL4-BXD genes is dependent on Pc group gene function, in mutant embryos silencing is lost.

Previously considered an antimorph, now known to be a protein null (R. Paro, personal communication).

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (2)
References (149)