FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Sxlf7,M1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Sxlfm7,M1, Sxlfm7, Sxlfm7M1, Sxlfm7,M#1
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele

A G is replaced by a T causing an Asp to be replaced by a Tyr in exon 5; at the first residue of the putative alpha helix 1 in RRM#1 (downstream of SxlM1).

No gross alteration in the DNA. Original SxlM1 mutation is intact.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Nucleotide change:


Reported nucleotide change:


Amino acid change:

D98Y | Sxl-PA; D106Y | Sxl-PAB; D115Y | Sxl-PAC; D128Y | Sxl-PC; D138Y | Sxl-PD; D98Y | Sxl-PE; D130Y | Sxl-PG; D130Y | Sxl-PH; D130Y | Sxl-PJ; D138Y | Sxl-PL; D128Y | Sxl-PN; D128Y | Sxl-PO; D138Y | Sxl-PP; D128Y | Sxl-PR; D138Y | Sxl-PT; D130Y | Sxl-PW; D130Y | Sxl-PX; D138Y | Sxl-PY

Reported amino acid change:



G to T base change in the first codon of putative alpha helix 1 in the first RRM domain (structure according to FBrf0089950) leads to an Asp to Tyr amino acid change.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Sxlf7,M1/SxlM1,fΔ33 females display masculinized external and internal somatic morphology and body size. The only hints of somatic femininity are a few small sixth-sternite bristles and about 25% fewer sexcomb teeth than seen in true males.

Sxlf7,M1 and SxlM1,fΔ33 fail to complement for female viability if exosed to 18[o]C during early embryogenesis or if exposed to 30[o] during the pupal period.

Sxlf7,M1/Y males are phenotypically wild-type. The addition of Dp(1;1)jnR1-A which contains a duplication of Sxl+ also leads to phenotypically wild-type flies.

Homozygous females survive at a low frequency suggesting some residual ability to regulate the dosage compensation system. Females are transformed to phenotypic males. Females rescued by SxlNΔ.Hsp83 have male morphology.

Moderate hypomorph for somatic dosage compensation and autoregulation; null for somatic sex determination while germline functions are wild-type.

50% of SxlM1,f3/Sxlf7,M1 females survive indicating some capacity for dosage compensation. Animals have very male-like morphology and have to small body size, and pseudotestes.

SxlM1,f3/Sxlf7,M1 males behave like normal males. SxlM1,f3/Sxlf7,M1 females elicit less courtship than normal females and produce large quantities of the inhibitory pheromones that normal males synthesize. Mutant females also produce very little or none of the female-predominant aphrodisiac pheromone.

Homozygous females survive at a frequency of 35-15%, though their cuticle is masculinized. Sxlf7,M1 shows incomplete dosage compensation in run25 phenotype assay.

Sxlf7,M1/Sxlfc females do not develop ovaries, though germ cells of this genotype transplanted into wild-type hosts produce functional oocytes, suggesting that it is in the somatic cells of this genotype that the ovaries are affected.

Sxlf7,M1/SxlM1,f3 female heterozygotes exhibit segment spanning muscles in the fifth abdominal segment indicative of a transformation to the male specific phenotype. Somatic development of males is unaffected.

There is sufficient female dosage compensation for some homozygous females to survive but their somatic tissue is completely masculinized.

Homozygous XX flies show a high degree of lethality, the survivors are male. Sxlf7,M1/Sxlfb or Sxlf7,M1/Sxlfc flies occasionally have a male spot on the fifth and sixth tergites.

SxlM1,f3/Sxlf7,M1 transheterozygotes that are chromosomally female (XX) are transformed into "pseudomales". The gonads form testes which are generally non-gametogenic, containing degenerated germ cells and debris or gonial cells whose sex could not be determined. The few gametogenic testes seen (9%) contained only spermatogenic stages.

Partial loss-of-function allele. Only partially complements SxlfPb.

selected as an intragenic suppressor of SxlM1 male lethality; maps 0.0099 cM

to the left of SxlM1. Only characterized in cis

combination with SxlM1. The double mutant is male

viable and semi-viable in homozygous females. Escaper

females are phenotypically male and sterile.

Hemizygous females are inviable. Double heterozygote

with snf is sterile, like Sxlf1 but unlike

SxlM1,f3. The double-mutant allele retains some

ability to rescue daughters from the otherwise lethal

maternal-effect of da; however, lowering maternal

da+ activity appears to decrease Sxlf7,M1

functioning, consistent with other evidence that the

parental allele, SxlM1, is not fully constitutive.

In the absence of a wild-type Sxl allele, Sxlf7,M1

daughters that survive the da maternal effect are

phenotypically male and sterile; in contrast, the

addition to this genotype of a wild-type Sxl allele in

trans renders survivors phenotypically female, but

still sterile with masculinized gonads. The latter

genotype of female is fertile provided mothers carry

at least one da+ allele. The ability of Sxlf7,M1

to rescue daughters is greatly enhanced by mutations

in the autosomal, male-specific-lethal loci, genes

involved in hyperactivation of X-linked genes in

males. The basis for this enhancement is related to

the ability of these same mutations to enhance the

survival of Sxlf7,M1 hemizygous females. Although

Sxlf7,M1 was used to demonstrate the ability of Sxl

gene products to activate Sxl+ alleles in trans, it

can be inferred that this allele is far below wild

type in this activity. Sxlf7,M1 is a dominant

suppressor of sis-a female-specific lethality,

generating sterile females remarkably similar to those

described above rescued from the da maternal effect.

Unlike SxlM1,f3, fails to complement Sxlf2593; yet

partially complements SxlM1,f3 and SxlfPb,

generating sterile phenotypic males. Allele supports

oogenesis in homozygous mutant germ-line clones

induced by mitotic recombination. In males, mutant

allele suppresses the otherwise lethal effect of a

duplication of region 3C2-5A2; addition of Sxl+ to

this aneuploid genotype generates mosaic intersexes

indicating that the positive autoregulatory activity

of Sxl products can bypass the X/A signal. Double

heterozygote with snf is sterile (like Sxlf1

and unlike SxlM1,f3).



External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Suppressed by

Sxlf7,M1 has gonad phenotype, suppressible by traF.Hsp83

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

traF.U2af50 feminizes Sxlf7,M1/SxlM1,fΔ33 mutants without increasing their size. Sxlf7,M1/SxlM1,fΔ33 ; traF.U2af50/+ females have large ovaries full of mature eggs, but they fail to lay. These females appear to be defective in mating and/or storing sperm.

Virgin Sxlf7,M1/SxlM1,fΔ33 ; traF.U2af50/+ females rescued by traF.U2af50 do lay eggs, some depositing nearly as many eggs as some of their mated sisters.

The soma of XX Sxlf7,M1/Sxlf7,M1 or Sxlf7,M1/SxlM1,f3 animals is feminised by traF.Hsp83. Oogenic development is also promoted in these animals, and the ovaries are filled with maturing oocytes at various stages of development. However, mature eggs are not laid.

The addition to Sxlf7,M1/Y flies of up to four extra copies of snf+ in the transgene P{snf+,dhd+}, leads to phenotypically wild-type flies. However the combination of Sxlf7,M1/Y, Tp(1;3)sn13a1 ( which contains a duplication of Sxl+) and one copy of snf+ in the transgene P{snf+,dhd+}, leads to 75% of males dying, and two extra copies leads to complete lethality.

The viability of Sxlf7,M1 in female double heterozygous combination with fl(1)3535, fl(1)3546 or l(1)4343 is reduced.

SxlM1,f3/Sxlf7,M1; trahs.PM individuals develop as females, with normal ovaries with oogenic cells, though resulting eggs are not laid. None of the ovaries contain spermatogenic cells.

The number of vitellogenic eggs produced by ovoD2 heterozygous females is increased by Sxlf7,M1.

The number of vitellogenic eggs produced by ovoD2 heterozygous females is increased by Sxlf7,M1.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

Sxlf7,M1 is partially rescued by SxlFL.Hsp83


Females rescued by SxlFL.Hsp83 have female like morphology and light body pigmentation. Feminization is incomplete and male structures such as sex comb teeth are often observed. However the feminization of females rescued by SxlFLΔ.Hsp83 is complete.

SxlF1.hs can rescue 70% female lethality and the survivors are feminised.

double mutant

Images (0)
Stocks (1)
Notes on Origin

Partially complements Sxlf2 and Sxlf9 for female viability. Although this allele lacks all somatic sexual differentiation functions, and is defective in autoregulation, it is not null for dosage compensation.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (8)
References (27)