FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Ubxbx-34e
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
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Allele class
Nature of the Allele
Allele class
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Polytene chromosomes normal.


Insertion of a 17.6 element in the first intron at approximately 3R:16731980 (release 6 genome).

gypsy insertion in the cis-regulatory region.

gypsy element insertion into the bx regulatory region. The direction of transcription of the gypsy element is in the opposite direction to Ubx transcription.

Insertion of gypsy element, with its direction of transcription in the opposite orientation to the direction of Ubx transcription, into an intron of the Ubx transcription unit.

Insertion of gypsy element.

Insertion of a gypsy element. The direction of transcription of the gypsy element is opposite to the direction of transcription of Ubx.

gypsy insertion at -63.5kb in the same orientation as Ubx direction of transcription.

Insertion of a 7.3kb gypsy element at map position -63.5kb.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Ubxbx-34e flies show a haltere to wing transformation.

Ubx61d, Ubxpbx-1/Ubxbx-34e mutants show a haltere-to-wing transformation.

Homozygotes have an enlarged haltere, with long, dark costal bristles. Heterozygotes have wild-type halteres.

Ubx6.28/Ubxbx-34e mutant combinations cause a homeotic transformation of the third thoracic segment to the anterior second thoracic segment. The haltere (T3) is also transformed toward wing fate (t2), manifested by increases in size and the development of bristles.

The Ubxbx-34e phenotype is not suppressed in flies carrying su(Hw)wt or su(Hw)Δ656-705 in a su(Hw)7/su(Hw)V background, partly suppressed in flies carrying su(Hw)Δ706-736 or su(Hw)Δ881-944 in a su(Hw)7/su(Hw)V background, and strongly or completely suppressed in flies carrying su(Hw)Δ673-943, su(Hw)Δ2-203.673-943, su(Hw)Δ738-780, su(Hw)Δ2-203, su(Hw)Δ853-880 or su(Hw)Δ782-944 in a su(Hw)7/su(Hw)V background.

Does not affect the frequency of the trx bithorax-variegated phenotype in heterozygous combination with Df(3R)red-P52.

Ubxbx-34e/Ubx1 flies do not have a T3a to T2a notal transformation. In the presence of a transvection suppressing chromosome rearrangement (TSR) the notum is strongly transformed.

Ubx1/Ubxbx-34e flies have very little transformed dorsal metanotum.

Homozygotes and transheterozygotes of Ubx alleles demonstrate a significant enhancement of the bx phenotype when in combination with E(bx)2. Haltere to winglike and metanotum to mesonotumlike transformations are enhanced.

Different genetic combinations of Pc alleles and Ubx alleles suggest that the products of the bx region of Ubx are responsible for the "cbx" phenotype of the Pc mutations and in the absence of Pc the overexpression of bx gene products suppresses the pbx insufficiency phenotype in the posterior segments.

Haltere are transformed to wing and are 10-15% of wing size, dorsal tissue of T3 is incompletely transformed to metanotum, hypopleural plates are incompletely transformed to sternopleural plates, 8-9 hypopleural bristles are still present and the anterior third leg displays a strong transformation to anterior second leg, as seen by the bristle pattern. Phenotype can be suppressed by su(Hw) mutations.

Ubxbx-34e shows the "ppx" transformation at 17oC: ventral regions of T2p and T3p are affected.

Flies usually have normal transversal fascicles in the adult CNS, although the anterior dorsal T3 fascicle is sometimes slightly malformed.

Moderate transformation of anterior third thoracic segment to second thoracic segment.

Homozygotes show homeotic transformation of anterior haltere to anterior wing.

The frequency of variegated bithorax transformations seen in Df(3R)red-P52 heterozygotes is not increased in flies also heterozygous for Ubxbx-34e.

Metathoracic outpushing is a uniform, narrow, hairy band. Balancers depressed, inflated, with elongated pointed tip and heavy line of costal bristles. Base of third leg shows sternopleural bristles like those of normal second leg. Metathoracic development of Ubxbx-34e/Ubxbx-34e > Ubxbx-34e/Ubxbx-W > Ubxbx-34e/Ubxbx-1. Ubxbx-34e/Ubx1 has round, flat, wing-like halteres; Ubxbx-34e Ubx1/+ + = Ubx1/+ (Lewis). Complements Ubxbxd-1. Reasonable viability and fecundity. Highly constant expression and easy separability. Expression increased slightly at 29oC, decreased at 15oC. RK2.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
NOT Enhanced by

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has visible phenotype, non-enhanceable by Nipped-A222.3

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has visible phenotype, non-enhanceable by Nipped-A323

NOT suppressed by

Ubxbx-34e has visible | homeotic phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(2R)ED3921

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has visible phenotype, non-suppressible by Nipped-A222.3

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has visible phenotype, non-suppressible by Nipped-A323

Enhancer of

Ubx[+]/Ubxbx-34e is an enhancer of visible | homeotic phenotype of Dsp11

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC6

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC7

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-BNC23/Nipped-B[+]

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC39

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-BNC41/Nipped-B[+]

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC59

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC71

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-BNC77/Nipped-B[+]

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 has adult thorax phenotype, enhanceable by Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC78

Ubxbx-34e has haltere phenotype, enhanceable by z1-35

Ubxbx-34e has haltere phenotype, enhanceable by z1-42

Ubxbx-34e has phenotype, enhanceable by ash128

Ubxbx-34e has phenotype, enhanceable by ash218

Suppressed by

Ubxbx-34e has phenotype, suppressible by su(Hw)e2

Ubxbx-34e has phenotype, suppressible by e(we)1

Ubxbx-34e has phenotype, suppressible by su(Hw)unspecified

Ubxbx-34e has phenotype, suppressible by su(Hw)2

NOT suppressed by

Ubxbx-34e has haltere phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(2R)ED3921

Ubxbx-34e has wing | ectopic phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(2R)ED3921

Enhancer of

Ubx[+]/Ubxbx-34e is an enhancer of haltere phenotype of Dsp11

Ubx[+]/Ubxbx-34e is an enhancer of wing | ectopic phenotype of Dsp11

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2 animals display a bithorax phenotype.

Df(2R)ED3921 fails to suppress the haltere to wing transformation of Ubxbx-34e flies.

Ubxbx-34e/+ flies carrying Dp(1;Y)y+mal106 have a punctate line of short, dark bristles on the capitellum and a denser cluster of bristles at the distal tip. Ubxbx-34e/+ flies expressing DIP1c.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 have long bristles along the entire surface of the haltere.

The addition of E(bx)Nurf301-2, E(bx)ry122 or Df(3L)3643 to Ubxbx-34e/Ubx6.28 animals enhances the anterior transformation seen in both the third thoracic segment and the haltere.

The frequency of transformation of halteres into wings seen in Dsp11/Y flies is enhanced by Ubxbx-34e/+. The enhancement is dramatically reduced if the female parents are heterozygous rather than homozygous for Dsp11.

Ubxbx-34e Abd-BMc double heterozygous females show a significant increase in the level of monoene cuticular hydrocarbons and a significant decrease in the level of 7,11-diene cuticular hydrocarbons compared to wild-type females.

The halteres of z1-35/Y Ubx1/Ubxbx-34e or z1-42/Y Ubx1/Ubxbx-34e males are larger than those of their z+ counterparts, and males have dorsal mesothoracic tissue on their metathorax. This effect is stronger for z1-35 than for z1-42.

Double heterozygotes for ash128 at 27oC exhibit haltere to wing transformation and third to second leg transformation. No transformation phenotype is seen at 20oC. Double heterozygotes for ash218 at 27oC exhibit haltere to wing transformation.

zae(bx) enhances the development of the dorsal metanotum in Ubxbx-34e/Ubx1 from a few hairs to a broad band of hairy tissue somewhat like that seen in Ubxbx-34e homozygotes.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially complements
Images (0)
Stocks (57)
Notes on Origin

Schultz, 20 May 1934.


The sensitivity of the metanotal transformation of the Ubxunspecified/Ubxbx-34e genotype to chromosomal rearrangements has been studied in the presence and absence of za.

Partial revertant has been obtained that provides evidence that the gypsy element is responsible for the mutant phenotype.

Ubx mutants have been classified into "transvection groups", on the basis of transvection tests with Ubxbx-34e, Ubxpbx-2, and UbxCbx-1 Ubx1 mutants.

Source of the gypsy element.

The phenotype of a number of combinations of Ubx mutations has been investigated to determine the role of the bxd regulatory region in the modulation of Ubx expression.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 1 )
GenBank Nucleotide - A collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA, and PDB.
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
References (69)