FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\mod(mdg4)ul
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
mod(mdg4)u1, mod(mdg4)1u1, mod(mdg)u1
Key Links
Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Insertion of Stalker in the sixth intron at nucleotide 137,206 of AE003734.

Insertion of Stalker into intron of mod(mdg4).

Insertion of a Stalker element into an exon of the main transcription unit.

Insertion of a Stalker element.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul do not display any homeotic transformations.

Homozygous mod(mdg4)ul mutant wings display L2 vein defects.

Changes the phenotypic expression of different mdg4-induced mutations at many loci.

Unstable mutation.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by
Enhancer of

mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible phenotype of sc5

mod(mdg4)[+]/mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype of ash1[+]/ash117, trxB11

mod(mdg4)[+]/mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype of brm2, trx[+]/trxE2

mod(mdg4)[+]/mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible | dominant | homeotic phenotype of brm[+]/brm2, trxE2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible | recessive phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of y2PR1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of y69

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of y2

NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of apf00451

mod(mdg4)[+]/mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of ctK

mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of ctK

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible | recessive phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible | recessive phenotype of ct6

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of scme

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of scms

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of scms16

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible | recessive phenotype of scD1

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of ctK

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of ctMR2

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of visible phenotype of ctMRpN1

NOT Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by lawcp1

mod(mdg4)ul, y2 has adult abdomen | male phenotype, suppressible by lawcp1

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)Pc

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)Pc/+

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-71-7

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-81-8

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-91-9

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)2-12-1

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)2-22-2

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)2-32-3

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)2-42-4

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)2-52-5

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)2-62-6

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)2-72-7

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)3-13-1

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)3-23-2

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)3-33-3

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)3-43-4

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)3-53-5

ct6, mod(mdg4)ul has wing phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-71-7

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-11-1

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-11-5

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-21-2

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-31-3

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-41-4

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by Su(mg)1-61-6

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by su(Hw)Δ100

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by su(Hw)2

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by su(Hw)8

mod(mdg4)ul has phenotype, suppressible by su(Hw)J

NOT suppressed by
Enhancer of

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of ylh17

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of y2h115

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of ydh24

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of yrh2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of ylh11

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of y2h12

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of ydh1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of ydh12

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of ydh19

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of ylh13

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of y2h131

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of y2h25

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of y2h16

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of yrh7

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of yrh1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle phenotype of y2

su(Hw)ΔA/mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y2s3

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult thorax phenotype of y2s3

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing sensillum phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2s3

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing sensillum phenotype of y2s3

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult abdomen phenotype of y2s3

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y2s8

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult abdomen phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y2s2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult thorax phenotype of y2s2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2s2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing sensillum phenotype of y2s2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult abdomen phenotype of y2s2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y2s10-2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y+lws1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y+mws1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y+ns

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y+ns

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing sensillum phenotype of y+ns

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult abdomen phenotype of y+ns

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y+mws3

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult thorax phenotype of y2s5

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2s5

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing sensillum phenotype of y2s5

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult abdomen phenotype of y2s5

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult thorax phenotype of y2s4

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2s4

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing sensillum phenotype of y2s4

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult abdomen phenotype of y2s4

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y+mws2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y2s1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult thorax phenotype of y2s1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2s1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing sensillum phenotype of y2s1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult abdomen phenotype of y2s1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of adult cuticle & wing phenotype of y2s21

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & adult thorax phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of cuticle phenotype of y2PR1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing phenotype of y2PR1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & thorax phenotype of y2PR1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2PR1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & abdomen phenotype of y2PR1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & wing phenotype of y2PR1

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & thorax phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of cuticle phenotype of y2PR2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing phenotype of y2PR2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & thorax phenotype of y2PR2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & leg phenotype of y2PR2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & abdomen phenotype of y2PR2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & wing phenotype of y2PR2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & abdomen phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta & wing phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of y59b

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of unguis phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of wing phenotype of yD-786

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of cuticle phenotype of yD-786

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of macrochaeta phenotype of yD-786

mod(mdg4)ul is an enhancer of phenotype of lz1

NOT Enhancer of

su(Hw)ΔB/mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y2

su(Hw)ΔC/mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y+s23

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y+s12

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y+s11

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y+s22

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of yds66

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y+2MC

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y2S

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of ytd

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of ySa7

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa4

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of waG

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa

Suppressor of

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of wing phenotype of apf00451

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of adult abdomen phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)[+]/mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of wing margin phenotype of ctK

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of adult epidermis phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of ocellar bristle phenotype of scme

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of scutellar bristle phenotype of scme

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of presutural bristle phenotype of scms

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of humeral bristle phenotype of scms

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of ocellar bristle phenotype of scms

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of scutellar bristle phenotype of scms

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of humeral bristle phenotype of scms16

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of ocellar bristle phenotype of scms16

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of adult cuticle | male phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of ocellar bristle phenotype of scD1

su(Hw)ΔCTAD/mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of phenotype of y2

su(Hw)NoAD2/mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of phenotype of y2

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of phenotype of Bx2

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of wing margin phenotype of ctK

mod(mdg4)ul is a suppressor of wing phenotype of ctMRpN1

NOT Suppressor of

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of apP1\loxP.MCP-PRE.MM

mod(mdg4)L3101/mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of ct6

mod(mdg4)neo129/mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of ct6

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y+s11

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y+s22

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y+ls1

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y+lnsx1

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y+s23

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y+s12

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y+ls2

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of waG

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y2S

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa

mod(mdg4)ul is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa4


Df(3R)GC14/mod(mdg4)ul, In(1)scV2 has mesothoracic tergum & microchaeta phenotype

Df(3R)GC14/mod(mdg4)ul, In(1)y3P has mesothoracic tergum & microchaeta phenotype

In(1)scV2, mod(mdg4)ul has mesothoracic tergum & microchaeta phenotype

In(1)y3P, mod(mdg4)ul has mesothoracic tergum & microchaeta phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y2 has wing & macrochaeta phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y2 has adult thorax & macrochaeta phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y2 has adult abdomen & macrochaeta phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y2 has leg & macrochaeta phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y3B has macrochaeta & leg phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y3B has macrochaeta & thorax phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y3B has macrochaeta & abdomen phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, y3B has macrochaeta & wing phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, yD-786 has macrochaeta & leg phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, yD-786 has macrochaeta & thorax phenotype

mod(mdg4)ul, yD-786 has macrochaeta & wing phenotype

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

CTCFEY15833/CTCFEY15833 mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul double mutant homeotic phenotypes are the same as in single CTCFEY15833/CTCFEY15833 flies.

A homozygous mod(mdg4)ul mutant background has no effect on the wing defects seen in aploxP.MCP-PRE.MM mutant flies.

A homozygous mod(mdg4)ul mutant background strongly suppresses the wing defects seen in apf00451 mutant flies. The wings of mod(mdg4)ul apf00451 double mutants are almost wild type, with the exception of a disrupted L2 vein, although this defect is also seen in mod(mdg4)ul mutant flies.

y2 mod(mdg4)ul double mutant flies have a dappled abdomen with pale bristles.

mod(mdg4)ul suppresses the "cut" wing phenotype observed in ct6 mutant flies, and the wing margins are fully restored in these animals.

The "cut" wing phenotype observed in ctK mutant animals is almost entirely rescued by one copy of mod(mdg4)ul, and completely rescued in animals carrying two copies of mod(mdg4)ul.

ct6 mod(mdg4)ul double mutants exhibit a suppression of the ct6 jagged wing edge.

The transheterozygote lwr02858/smt3k06307 suppresses the mod(mdg4)ul suppression of the ct6 jagged wing phenotype, leading to a more jagged and discontinuous wing phenotype. The phenotype is also particularly pronounced in females, although it is detectable in both sexes.

The transheterozygote lwr05486/smt304493 suppresses the mod(mdg4)ul suppression of the ct6 jagged wing phenotype, leading to a more jagged and discontinuous wing phenotype. The phenotype is also particularly pronounced in females, although it is detectable in both sexes.

y2 mod(mdg4)ul double mutants exhibit a suppression of the y2 cuticle phenotype, and so exhibit a more pigmented abdomen.

The transheterozygote lwr05486/smt304493 suppresses the mod(mdg4)ul suppression of the y2 cuticle phenotype, leading to a lighter coloration of the abdomen (due to a reduction in y expression).These phenotypic changes occur in approximately 30% of the mutant flies, with the remaining 70% displaying a continuum of less-pronounced effect. The phenotype is also particularly pronounced in females, although it is detectable in both sexes.

The transheterozygote lwr02858/smt3k06307 suppresses the mod(mdg4)ul suppression of the y2 cuticle phenotype, leading to a lighter coloration of the abdomen (due to a reduction in y expression). These phenotypic changes occur in approximately 30% of the mutant flies, with the remaining 70% displaying a continuum of less-pronounced effect. The phenotype is also particularly pronounced in females, although it is detectable in both sexes.

Body colour: y2 ; mod(mdg4)ul flies that are also expressing ToporsScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Act have a very low level of black pigment in the abdomen.

Expression of ToporsScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Act partially suppresses the ability of mod(mdg4)ul to suppress the cut wing margin phenotype of ct6.

Expression of ToporsC118S.Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.PB does not suppress the ability of mod(mdg4)ul to suppress the cut wing margin phenotype of ct6.

Body colour: y2 ; Lam04643/+ ; mod(mdg4)ul flies show increased production of black pigment in the abdomen compared to y2 ; mod(mdg4)ul flies.

In(1)y3P ; mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul and In(1)y3P ; mod(mdg4)ul/Df(3R)GC14 animals show loss of a number of bristles. Bristle pigmentation shows weak variegation in these animals; 1-3 bristles in the thorax and head are yellow. In(1)scV2 ; mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul and In(1)scV2 ; mod(mdg4)ul/Df(3R)GC14 animals show loss of a number of bristles. Bristle pigmentation shows mild variegation in these animals; about half the bristles are yellow. In(1)sc8 ; mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul and In(1)sc8 ; mod(mdg4)ul/Df(3R)GC14 animals show loss of a number of bristles. Bristle pigmentation is normal in these animals. Df(1)ase-1 ; mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul animals show loss of a number of bristles. Bristle pigmentation is normal in these animals. Bristle pigmentation is normal in sc5 ; mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul animals.

The scme bristle phenotype is suppressed by mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul.

Body colour: the abdominal pigment of y2 males is lighter than normal, but uniformly distributed in the last two abdominal segments. y2; mod(mdg4)ul males have variegated abdominal pigmentation with individual spots of wild-type dark pigment against a lighter pigmented background in the last two abdominal segments. This variegated phenotype is suppressed if the flies are also carrying lawcp1; the areas of lighter pigmentation increase at the expense of darkly pigmented regions so that the phenotype is closer to y2 rather than y2 ; mod(mdg4)ul flies.

mod(mdg4)T6 trxB11 double heterozygotes show a transformation of haltere to wing in 0.5% of cases. Increases the frequency of homeotic transformations seen in Trl62 heterozygotes. Increases the frequency of homeotic transformations seen in trxB11 ash117 double heterozygotes. Increases the frequency of homeotic transformations seen in trxE2 brm2 double heterozygotes. Dominantly suppresses the frequency and severity of homeotic transformations seen in Df(3L)Pc heterozygotes. y2/Y; mod(mdg4)ul/+ males derived from mod(mdg4)+ females have a similar phenotype to y2/Y males, y2/Y; mod(mdg4)ul/+ males derived from mod(mdg4)ul/mod(mdg4)ul females have a variegated pigmentation phenotype. This variegated phenotype is dominantly enhanced by trxB11, Trl62, the combination trxB11 ash117 and the combination brm2 trxE2. The variegated phenotype is dominantly suppressed by Df(3L)Pc.

Enhances the y2 phenotype. This enhancement of the y2 phenotype is completely suppressed by one copy of Su(mg)1-61-6, Su(mg)1-81-8, Su(mg)2-22-2, Su(mg)2-62-6, Su(mg)2-42-4, Su(mg)2-52-5, Su(mg)1-21-2, Su(mg)1-91-9, Su(mg)2-32-3, Su(mg)3-33-3, Su(mg)3-43-4, Su(mg)3-53-5 or Su(mg)1-11-5, and strongly suppressed by one copy of Su(mg)2-72-7, Su(mg)1-11-1, Su(mg)1-31-3, Su(mg)1-41-4, Su(mg)1-71-7, Su(mg)2-12-1, Su(mg)3-13-1 or Su(mg)3-23-2. Enhances the y-800, y+660, y+2490R and y-700 phenotypes. This enhancement is completely suppressed by one copy of Su(mg)1-21-2, Su(mg)1-11-5, Su(mg)3-33-3 or Su(mg)3-43-4, and variably suppressed by one copy of Su(mg)1-31-3, Su(mg)1-41-4, Su(mg)1-71-7, Su(mg)2-32-3, Su(mg)3-13-1, Su(mg)3-23-2 or Su(mg)3-53-5. Partially suppresses the scD1 and ct6 phenotypes. This suppressing effect is strongly suppressed by one copy of Su(mg)1-61-6, Su(mg)1-81-8, Su(mg)2-22-2, Su(mg)2-62-6 or Su(mg)2-72-7, mildly affected by one copy of Su(mg)1-11-1, Su(mg)2-42-4 or Su(mg)2-52-5,and not affected by one copy of Su(mg)1-21-2, Su(mg)1-31-3, Su(mg)1-41-4, Su(mg)1-11-5, Su(mg)2-12-1, Su(mg)2-32-3, Su(mg)3-13-1, Su(mg)3-23-2, Su(mg)3-33-3, Su(mg)3-43-4 or Su(mg)3-53-5. Su(mg)1-71-7 suppresses the scD1 and ct6 mutations when combined with mod(mdg4)ul.

Enhances the y2 phenotype in y2 mod(mdg4)ul double homozygotes, so that there is a loss of pigmentation in the mesothoracic bristles. Suppresses the ct6 phenotype in ct6 mod(mdg4)ul double homozygotes, resulting in the restoration of the wing margin.

When crossed into a mod(mdg4)ul mutant background, su(Hw)ΔA causes a slight enhancement of the y2 phenotype in the bristles and tarsal claws, while the pigmentation of the wing and abdomen darkens somewhat. su(Hw)ΔB and su(Hw)ΔC are unresponsive to the allelic state of mod(mdg4). When crossed into a y2, mod(mdg4)ul mutant background su(Hw)ΔCTAD flies display bristle, tarsal claws, abdomen and wings with a coloration between null mutant and wild type. In a mod(mdg4)ul mutant background su(Hw)NoAD2 demonstrates a completely suppressed y2 phenotype.

The mod(mdg4)ul product changes the phenotype of gypsy-induced mutations only in the presence of a functional su(Hw) protein. mod(mdg4)ul exerts the same effect as Df(3R)GC14. mod(mdg4)ul reduces the level of pigmentation in the body, wings and bristles of the thorax, leg, abdomen and wing of y2 mutations and derivatives. Blocks transvection at y. Interacts with the effect of su(Hw) mutations on gypsy-induced alleles of y, ct, sc or ac. Transforms weak acting su(Hw) mutations into strong effects. Enhances the suppression of ct6 by su(Hw)J and su(Hw)Δ100.

20% of ct6, mod(mdg4)ul flies have from one to five gaps randomly distributed over the wing margin. In combination with e(y)21 and zop6, mod(mdg4)ul almost completely suppresses the mutant phenotype of ct6. In combination with e(y)34 and zv77h, mod(mdg4)ul enhances the mutant phenotype of ct6, though the gaps in the wing margin are still randomly distributed. z1 and e(y)11 have no effect on the mod(mdg4)ul effect on ct6.

Dominant enhancer of the y2/y+, y69/y+ and y2PR1/y+ pigmentation phenotype, but has no effect on y4P/y+, y59b/y+, y88d/y+ or y+2MC/y+ pigmentation phenotype.

In the presence of su(Hw)MC the In(1)wm4 mutant phenotype is no longer enhanced and the eye phenotype returns to wild type.

Alters the phenotype of many gypsy element induced mutations; enhances the y2 and lz1 phenotype, suppresses the ctK, ctMRpN1, ctMR2, ct6 and Bx2 phenotypes. Alters the sc1 and sc3B phenotypes. Does not affect the f1 phenotype.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Fails to complement
Partially rescued by

Expression of mod(mdg4)Scer\UAS.cGa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C in a y2,mod(mdg4)ul mutant background completely overrides the y2,mod(mdg4)ul phenotype, resulting in flies that have a y2 appearance, with a paler abdomen and dark bristles.

Expression of mod(mdg4)ΔQ.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C in a y2 mutant background completely overrides the y2,mod(mdg4)ul phenotype, resulting in flies that have a y2 appearance, with a paler abdomen and dark bristles.

Expression of mod(mdg4)Scer\UAS.cGa or mod(mdg4)ΔQ.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C in a ct6,mod(mdg4)ul mutant background suppresses the effect that mod(mdg4)ul has on ct6 wings, and the wings that form lack the wing margin and are similar to ct6 wings.

Expression of mod(mdg4)Scer\UAS.cGa or mod(mdg4)ΔQ.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C in a ctK,mod(mdg4)ul mutant background suppresses the effect that mod(mdg4)ul has on ctK wings, and the wings that form lack regions of the wing margin and are similar to ctK wings.

Member of Group II complementation group. Complementation statement based on transheterozygous phenotype in terms of suppression or non-suppression of y2 and ct6 visible phenotypes.

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Notes on Origin

Only gypsy induced mutations serve as a target for mod(mdg4)ul.

Mutation is unstable and can be reverted to wild type.

Arose in an unstable strain in which the Stalker retrotransposon was mobilised at high frequency. Lack of mod(mdg4) protein results in the formation of a heterochromatin-like conformation in the chromatin adjacent to the su(Hw) binding region of the y2 gypsy insertion.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 1 )
GenBank Nucleotide - A collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA, and PDB.
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (7)
References (51)