FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\ttk1e11
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
ttklell, ttkle11
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Deletion of 1.7kb of 3' P-element and 0.8kb of flanking genomic DNA that encodes the zinc fingers in the ttk p69 protein.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes

Position of mutation on reference sequence inferred by FlyBase curator based on author statement. See Figure 4 of FBrf0155483. Mutation is a deletion of 1.7kb of 3' P-element and 0.8kb of flanking genomic DNA that encodes the zinc fingers in the ttk p69 protein according to FBrf0058514.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Heterozygous ttk1e11 females lay normal eggs.

The nuclei in homozygous follicle cell clones are more densely packed as compared to the surrounding wild-type tissue.

Cells derived from mosaic clones of ttk1e11 do not participate in dorsal appendage morphogenesis. Mutant cells clump together, block surrounding cells, and occasionally split the dorsal appendage.

Cells derived from mosaic clones of ttk1e11 at S10B show dramatic apical constriction of normally cuboidal cells. Basal surfaces of mutant cells are slightly shrunken and rounder than control cells, but far larger than their apical surfaces. Mutant nuclei are more closely packed at later stages of oogenesis, but this effect is not pronounced at early stages.

Cells derived from mosaic clones of ttk1e11 are taller than control cells.

ttk1e11 mutant eye clones display severe degeneration of the corneal lens, with ommatidia and sensory bristles failing to properly develop.

In 87% of ttk1e11 mutant third instar eye disc clones, 2-3 presumptive R7 photoreceptor cells are observed seven rows posterior to the morphogenetic furrow, compared to just one R7 cell in control tissue. A reduced number of cone cells are observed in mutant clones.

ttk1e11 mutant embryos display defects in tracheal patterning.

Follicle cells in ttk1e11 clones show a decrease in the size of cell nuclei and quantification of the number of cells in these clones compared to the number in their sister clones shows that on average they are twice as large, which implies that ttk1e11 mutant cells have undergone an extra round of mitotic division.

In mosaic egg chambers in which border cells retain ttk[+] function, border cell migration is completed normally. However, homozygous border cells show a severe migration defect and remain at the anterior tip of the stage 10 egg chamber. Homozygous centripetal cells appear to be delayed in their inward migration.

ttk1e11 mutant stage 15 embryos show defects in the separation of tritocerebral and mandibular commissures.

Only 40% of eggs laid by ttk1/ttk1e11 mothers are wild-type,, the rest exhibit a dorsal appendage phenotype, 3% having only the nub of an appendage.

The second mitotic wave is normal in ttk1e11 clones in the eye disc.

Glia undergo ectopic rounds of replication in mutant embryos. Stage 12 embryos have 17.8 +/- 2.23 glia associated with the longitudinal connectives (compared to 9.9 +/- 0.76 in wild-type embryos).

Homozygous clones in the adult eye cause degeneration of the corneal lens and a failure of photoreceptor development. Rhabdomeres of photoreceptors are not observed in clones, but residual cellular structures in the mutant ommatidia are still recognizable. Genetically mosaic ommatidia are not seen near the boundary of the clone. Ectopic neurons are not seen between or below the developing ommatidia in homozygous clones in third instar larvae. Larval eye development seems close to normal in the absence of ttk, although the ommatidial clusters in clones were somewhat disorganised. Cone cell development appears normal. In homozygous clones in the developing pupal eye, some cone cells failed to develop. Photoreceptors appear normal even up to midpupal stage.

The number of lch5 neurons is approximately doubled in homozygous embryos.

Neurons and sheath cells of es and ch organs are duplicated at the expense of support cells. There is no modification of md neurons, they are present in the normal number and pattern.

ttkbose1/ttk1e11 flies have extra R7 photoreceptor cells in some ommatidia.

Embryonic development arrests before dorsal closure. Transformation of ommatidial cells into nonommatidial cell types in mosaic flies.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Suppressed by

ttk1e11 has visible | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by lzmr2

Enhancer of

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of gcmPyx

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

Suppressor of

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

Phenotype Manifest In
Suppressed by
Enhancer of

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of egg phenotype of mir-318Δ1/mir-318Δ2

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of chaeta | increased number phenotype of gcmPyx

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 3 & chaeta phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 3 & tormogen cell | supernumerary phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 3 & trichogen cell | supernumerary phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 4 & chaeta phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 4 & tormogen cell | supernumerary phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 4 & trichogen cell | supernumerary phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

NOT Enhancer of

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a non-enhancer of wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype of hry41

Suppressor of

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a suppressor of adult abdominal segment 3 & microchaeta phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a suppressor of adult abdominal segment 4 & microchaeta phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a suppressor of mesothoracic tergum & chaeta phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a suppressor of mesothoracic tergum & microchaeta phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a suppressor of mesothoracic tergum & tormogen cell | supernumerary phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a suppressor of mesothoracic tergum & trichogen cell | supernumerary phenotype of phyl2/phyl4

NOT Suppressor of

ttk[+]/ttk1e11 is a non-suppressor of wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype of hry41

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

One copy of ttk1e11 enhances the abnormal egg phenotype seen in mir-318Δ1/mir-318Δ2 mutants, including short dorsal appendages. None of the mir-318Δ1 mir-318Δ2/ttk1e11 mutant flies are able to hatch into first instar larval females. A more severe reduction in chorion gene amplification is seen.

The eye phenotype observed in ttk1e11 clones is partially suppressed in a lzmr2 mutant background. Ommatidial structures and sensory bristles are present, and the eye appears less scarred.

No recruitment of R7 precursor cells is observed when ttk1e11 mutant cells are generated in a lz77a7 background.

The addition of ttk1e11/+ to h41/+ animals does not lead to a significant ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype.

The partial lethality due to runScer\UAS.cLa; Scer\GAL4nos.PG (3% viable) is partially suppressed by maternal heterozygosity for ttk1e11 (rescues to 21% viable).

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially complements
Partially rescued by
Not rescued by

94% of the ommatidia in ttk1/ttk1e11 flies were wild-type, as opposed to 50-60% in ttk1 homozygotes.

Images (0)
Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin

Disrupts the mRNA encoding ttk protein p69 and p88.

Excision allele.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (6)
References (47)