FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Ptp99A1
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D. melanogaster
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    Deletes the entire cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine phosphatase domain.

    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Curation Data
    Additional Notes
    Variant Molecular Consequences
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    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
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    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
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    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    Lar mutants exhibit truncation phenotypes of the ISN. Combining Ptp69D or Ptp99A mutants increases the penetrance and severity of the ISN defects, the ISN pathway is truncated at specific branchpoint positions. Triple mutants lacking Lar, Ptp69D or Ptp99A exhibit much stronger ISN phenotypes than any single or double mutant. Lar, Ptp69D or Ptp99A triple mutants also exhibit fusion bypass phenotype of the SNb axons. Fusion bypass is seldom observed in any genotype in which Ptp69D is wild type. Removal of Ptp99A or Lar produces a 10- to 20- fold increase in the frequency of fusion bypass and an increase in complete stall phenotypes.

    Viable and fertile over Df(3R)Ptp99AR3. Ptp99A1 homozygotes and Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 heterozygotes have no detectable CNS, PNS or muscle defects. Increases the penetrance and severity of Ptp69D SNb, SNa and RP mutant phenotypes. This enhanced phenotype is completely rescued by one copy of Ptp69D+t10.5.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Enhancer of

    Ptp99A1 is an enhancer of RP neuron & axon phenotype of Ptp69D1

    Ptp99A1 is an enhancer of RP neuron & axon phenotype of Ptp69D2

    Ptp99A1 is an enhancer of RP neuron & axon phenotype of Ptp69D3

    NOT Enhancer of
    Suppressor of

    Ptp99A[+]/Ptp99A1 is a suppressor of larval intersegmental nerve phenotype of Ptp69D7

    Ptp99A[+]/Ptp99A1 is a suppressor of larval intersegmental nerve phenotype of Ptp69D1

    Ptp99A[+]/Ptp99A1 is a suppressor of larval intersegmental nerve phenotype of Ptp69D10

    NOT Suppressor of
    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    A Ptp99A1 mutant background significantly enhances the ommatidial rotation phenotype found in Scer\GAL4hs.2sev>miple1Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 mutants.

    A Ptp99A1 background enhances the ommatidial rotation eye phenotype found upon expression of nmoScer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.2sev.

    A Ptp99A1 mutant background significantly enhances the ommatidial rotation phenotype found in Scer\GAL4GMR.PU>miple1Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 mutants.

    A Ptp99A1 mutant background suppresses the eye roughness seen in flies expressing miple1Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU.

    The ISNb bypass phenotype seen in Ptp69D7 homozygous embryos is largely suppressed by one copy of Ptp99A1. The ISNb bypass phenotype seen in Ptp69D10 homozygous embryos is largely suppressed by one copy of Ptp99A1. The ISNb bypass phenotype seen in Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex34 embryos is suppressed by one copy of Ptp99A1.

    Lar5.5/Lar13.2 Ptp69D1 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 triple mutant embryos show severe motor axon defects. The two inner bundles of the ventral nerve cord are very similar to that of wild-type, but the outer bundle, which develops later, is often discontinuous in late stage 16 triple mutant embryos. In addition, about one third of the ISNb nerves fail to leave the intersegmental nerve at the exit junction and continue to grow out along the common intersegmental nerve pathway in these triple mutant embryos. In most of these bypass hemisegments, only one intersegmental nerve branch is visible, and it is usually thicker than normal.

    In Ptp10D1 Lar5.5/Lar13.2 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 triple mutant embryos the two inner bundles of the ventral nerve cord are very similar to that of wild-type, but the outer bundle, which develops later, is often discontinuous.

    Ptp10D1 Ptp69D1 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 triple mutant embryos produce a phenotype in which the three longitudinal ventral nerve cord bundles are partially fused and many axons cross the midline.

    Approximately half of the SNa nerves fail to bifurcate in Ptp10D1 Lar5.5/Lar13.2 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 triple mutant embryos.

    Approximately half of the SNa nerves either do not reach the bifurcation point at all or are very thin and wandering in Ptp10D1 Lar5.5/Lar13.2 Ptp69D1 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 quadruple mutant embryos.

    Approximately half of the intersegmental nerves terminate at the first lateral branch point position and most of the remainder stop at the second lateral branch point in Lar5.5/Lar13.2 Ptp69D1 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 triple mutant embryos.

    Only about 15% of the intersegmental nerves terminate at the first lateral branch point position and most of the remainder stop at the second lateral branch point in Ptp10D1 Lar5.5/Lar13.2 Ptp69D1 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 quadruple mutant embryos.

    Most of the ventral nerve cord axons abnormally cross the midline and the longitudinal bundles are almost absent in Ptp10D1 Lar5.5/Lar13.2 Ptp69D1 Ptp99A1/Df(3R)Ptp99AR3 quadruple mutant embryos. The longitudinal tracts are depleted of axons and the commissures are completely fused and much thicker than normal. No axons are ever observed to enter the ventrolateral muscle field in the quadruple mutant embryos.

    Ptp10D1; Lar13.2/Lar5.5; Ptp69D1 Ptp99AR3/Ptp69D8ex25 Ptp99A1 quadruple mutants have severely disrupted longitudinal tracts and most axons cross the midline. The bundles that cross the midline do not respect the normal boundaries of the commissures and the anterior and posterior commissures appear fused.

    Xenogenetic Interactions
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