FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\mbf12
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Allele class
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Progenitor genotype

Imprecise excision of a P{lacW} element inserted just upstream of mbf1, resulting in a 2082bp deletion of genomic sequence extending from the original insertion site into the mbf1 coding region.

Imprecise excision of a P-element has deleted from 211 bp upstream of the initiation codon of mbf1 to 857 bp downstream of the stop codon.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes

Excision deletion location based on report that deletion extends from 211bp upstream of AUG to 857bp downstream of stop codon and has an extent of 2082bp.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

mbf12 heterozygous or homozygous males do not show ectopic sex comb teeth on the second leg.

Homozygous first instar larvae fed on a diet containing 0.1 or 0.3% hydrogen peroxide reach adulthood about 3.5 times less frequently than controls. Homozygous adult males (derived from homozygous females mated to homozygous males) exposed to 0.5% hydrogen peroxide have a median survival time of 67 hours, compared to 93 hours for controls. mbf12/Df(3L)st7P hemizygous adults derived from Df(3L)st7P/+ females mated to mbf12/+ males live on average 64 hours on 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, indicating that there is no maternal effect. into 'turbans', and the peduncle and lobes are absent in most flies.

mbf12 homozygous animals derived from mbf12 heterozygous parents are completely viable. However breakages in CNS and tracheal networks are seen in these embryos at a very low penetrance (2-3%). A variable fraction of progeny from mbf12 homozygous females die before stage 5, regardless of whether the paternal genotype is mbf12 or mbf1 wild-type. Embryos that develop have no segmentation defects and develop to adults with no obvious morphological defects.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by

Psc1, mbf1[+]/mbf12 has posterior wing margin | male phenotype, suppressible by pcmΔ1

Enhancer of

mbf1[+]/mbf12 is an enhancer of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Psc1

pcmhs.PG, mbf1[+], mbf12, pcmΔ1/pcmΔ1 is an enhancer of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Psc1

mbf1[+]/mbf12 is an enhancer of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Pc6

pcmhs.PG, mbf1[+], mbf12, pcmΔ1/pcmΔ1 is an enhancer of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Pc6

NOT Enhancer of

mbf1[+], mbf12, mbf1+t4574 is a non-enhancer of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Psc1

mbf1[+], mbf12, mbf1+t4574 is a non-enhancer of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Pc6

NOT Suppressor of

mbf1[+]/mbf12, pcmΔ1/pcmΔ1 is a non-suppressor of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Pc6

mbf1[+]/mbf12, pcmΔ1/pcmΔ1 is a non-suppressor of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Psc1

mbf1[+]/mbf12, pcm5/pcm5 is a non-suppressor of sex comb tooth | ectopic phenotype of Psc1

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The heat-shock-induced expression of pcmhs.PG in mbf12 heterozygotes leads to a low penetrance ectopic sex comb teeth phenotype, as compared to controls.

Psc1, mbf12 double heterozygotes show adult wing defects along the posterior wing margin in males, which are suppressed by pcmΔ1 hemizygosity.

The ectopic sex comb teeth phenotype of Psc1 heterozygous males is partially suppressed by homozygosity for either pcmΔ1 or pcm5 and is incrementally exacerbated by heterozygosity and homozygosity for mbf12; the phenotype suppression by either pcmΔ1 or pcm5 homozygosity is annulled by heterozygosity for mbf12; the phenotype enhancement induced by mbf12 heterozygosity is annulled by one copy of mbf1+t4574. The ectopic sex comb teeth phenotype of Psc1 heterozygous males is also exacerbated by the triple combinations of heterozygosity for mbf12, homozygosity for either pcmΔ1 or pcm5 and heat-shock-induced expression of pcmhs.PG.

Similarly, the ectopic sex comb teeth phenotype of Pc6 heterozygous males is partially suppressed by homozygosity for pcmΔ1 and is exacerbated by heterozygosity for mbf12; the phenotype enhancement by mbf12 heterozygosity is annulled by one copy of mbf1+t4574; the phenotype suppression by pcmΔ1 homozygosity is annulled by heterozygosity for mbf12. The ectopic sex comb teeth phenotype of Pc6 heterozygous males is also exacerbated by the triple combination of mbf12 heterozygosity, pcmΔ1 homozygosity and heat-shock-induced expression of pcmhs.PG.

JraIA109/+ ; mbf12 double mutant adults treated with hydrogen peroxide at the onset of metamorphosis often have cuticle defects, which manifest as a depressed patch of naked cuticle at the dorsal midline. mbf12 kay1/mbf12 double mutant adults treated with hydrogen peroxide at the onset of metamorphosis often have cuticle defects, which manifest as a depressed patch of naked cuticle at the dorsal midline.

The penetrance of breakages in CNS and tracheal networks of mbf12 homozygous embryos is dominantly enhanced by apttdf-PΔ3.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
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