FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\COX5BGD6659
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General Information
D. melanogaster
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Carried in construct

UASt regulatory sequences drive expression of an inverted repeat.

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Protein sequence
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Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
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Detailed Description

The expression of COX5BGD6659 under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PU induces disruption to the patterning of ommatidia.

Expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4αTub84B.Switch.PK results in dosage-dependent lethality: 0.5uM RU486 results in zero eclosing flies, with survival increasing as dosage is decreased to 0.1uM. Scer\GAL4αTub84B.Switch.PK>COX5BGD6659 flies on 3uM RU486 fail to develop beyond the larval stage. Expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4da.PU leads to larval lethality. Expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4smid-C161, Scer\GAL4Ddc.PL, Scer\GAL4nrv2.PS, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu, Scer\GAL4C57 or Scer\GAL4VGlut-OK371 does not lead to lethality; progeny are also not bang sensitive. Expression of COX5BGD6659 mainly in thoracic muscles driven by Scer\GAL4G14 produces lethality during the late pupal stage or during attempted eclosion.

Expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4elav-C155 (no effect seen with Scer\GAL4elav.PLu) leads to almost complete lethality, with males more affected than heterozygous females; surviving flies also show locomotor impairments (more severe in males) and males are short lived.

Expression of COX5BGD6659 under the control of either Scer\GAL4da.PU or Scer\GAL4tub.PU leads to lethality.

Adults expressing COX5BGD6659 under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PLu (in the presence of Dcr-2Scer\UAS.cDa to increase the efficiency of RNAi) do not show a significant defect in avoidance of noxious temperature (46[o]C) compared to control flies.

Expression of CG11015GD6659 under the control of Scer\GAL4da.Switch.PT in the presence of 20μ/ml RU486 results in lethality.

Expression of CG11015GD6659 under the control of Scer\GAL4da.Switch.PT in the presence of 1μ/ml RU486 results in a prolonged developmental phase compared to controls.

Expression of CG11015GD6659 under the control of Scer\GAL4da.Switch.PT in the presence of 1μ/ml RU486 results in a significant decrease in female fertility.

Expression of CG11015GD6659 under the control of Scer\GAL4da.Switch.PT in the presence of 1μ/ml RU486 does not result in a significant change in body weight in male flies.

Expression of CG11015GD6659 under the control of Scer\GAL4da.Switch.PT in the presence of 1μ/ml RU486 significantly reduces adult lifespan compared to controls in both males and females.

Expression under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR results in early pupal lethality.

Expression under the control of Scer\GAL4pnr-MD237 results in bristle morphology defects on the notum in 20-30% of the Scer\GAL4pnr-MD237 expression domain.

Expression under the control of Scer\GAL4pnr-MD237 results in the absence of 80-90% of the Scer\GAL4pnr-MD237-expressing area of the notum.

Under rich nutritional conditions the lifespan of CG11015GD6659 knockdown flies (under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR and RU486) is indistinguishable from control flies. However, upon dietary restriction, knockdown diminishes lifespan extension in both male and female flies compared to their respective controls.

External Data
Bristle Screen Database (Knoblich Lab) - A database for RNAi phenotypes in bristle and notum development
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions
Xenogenetic Interactions

Zzzz\AOXαTub84B.PK significantly partially suppresses dosage-dependent lethality (with 0.1 to 0.5uM RU486) in flies with expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4αTub84B.Switch.PK; further suppression is seen with two copies of Zzzz\AOXαTub84B.PK. Scer\GAL4αTub84B.Switch.PK>COX5BGD6659 flies with 4 copies of Zzzz\AOXαTub84B.PK on 3uM RU486 reach pupal stage (with 12% of pupae eclosing); these flies are not bang sensitive. Co-expression of Zzzz\AOXScer\UAS.cFa (but not Scer\NDI1Scer\UAS.cSa) enables development to proceed to the pupal stage (and a few flies eclose) in flies with expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4da.PU. Co-expression of Zzzz\AOXScer\UAS.cFa rescues pupal lethality in flies with expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4G14, however flies rescued in this way show severe locomotor defects and die within 2 weeks as a result of becoming trapped in the food; multiple copies of Zzzz\AOXαTub84B.PK also partially rescue lethality.

Co-expression of Zzzz\AOXScer\UAS.cFa (but not Scer\NDI1Scer\UAS.cSa) partially rescues lethality in flies with expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4elav-C155. Co-expression of Zzzz\AOXScer\UAS.cFa partially rescues shortened lifespan in surviving males with expression of COX5BGD6659 driven by Scer\GAL4elav-C155; whereas co-expression of Scer\NDI1Scer\UAS.cSa leads to a shortened lifespan in females and further enhances the shortened lifespan in males.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (1)
Notes on Origin
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 1 )
Bristle Screen Database (Knoblich Lab) - A database for RNAi phenotypes in bristle and notum development
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (5)
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    References (12)