FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\paraDS.S1231R
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D. melanogaster
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Amino acid replacement S1231R. This mutation is disease-causing when present in the orthologous human SCN1A gene and is characterised by both a constitutive and conditional loss of sodium current function.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Nucleotide change:


Amino acid change:

S1314R | para-PA; S1267R | para-PAA; S1269R | para-PAB; S1267R | para-PAC; S1269R | para-PAD; S1291R | para-PAE; S1293R | para-PAF; S1272R | para-PAG; S1290R | para-PAH; S1269R | para-PAI; S1315R | para-PAJ; S1280R | para-PAK; S1294R | para-PAL; S1266R | para-PAM; S1326R | para-PAN; S1296R | para-PAO; S1280R | para-PAP; S1272R | para-PAQ; S1250R | para-PAS; S1239R | para-PAT; S1245R | para-PAW; S1282R | para-PAX; S1315R | para-PAY; S1294R | para-PAZ; S1314R | para-PB; S1315R | para-PBA; S1290R | para-PBB; S1280R | para-PBD; S1314R | para-PBF; S1314R | para-PBG; S1279R | para-PBH; S1314R | para-PC; S1297R | para-PD; S1291R | para-PE; S1291R | para-PF; S1270R | para-PG; S1280R | para-PH; S1262R | para-PI; S1283R | para-PJ; S1259R | para-PK; S1270R | para-PL; S1283R | para-PM; S1283R | para-PN; S1275R | para-PO; S1304R | para-PP; S1259R | para-PQ; S1262R | para-PR; S1283R | para-PS; S1293R | para-PT; S1301R | para-PU; S1280R | para-PV; S1285R | para-PW; S1308R | para-PX; S1321R | para-PY; S1272R | para-PZ


Analogous S1231R mutation in human SCN1A implicated in Epileptic encephalopathy, early infantile, 6 (Dravet syndrome); site of nucleotide substitution in fly gene inferred by FlyBase curator based on reported amino acid change.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
This allele represents a human variant implicated in disease.
Variants Synonym(s)
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Comments concerning this variant
Phenotypic Data
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Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

paraDS.S1231R homozygous adults exhibit a fully penetrant heat-induced (40[o]C of temperature) seizure phenotype within 2min of exposure.

paraDS.S1231R mutant flies exhibit spontaneous and heat-induced seizures. These flies display increased heat sensitivity compared to paraGEFS+ mutant flies, consistent with the difference in disease severity in humans.

At room temperature, paraDS.S1231R flies exhibit abnormal behaviors that appear to mimic partial seizures, such as repetitive grooming that often results in broken wings in aged flies. Some paraDS.S1231R flies display repetitive jerks of one or more legs that can result in the flies flipping onto their backs. However, at the normal rearing temperature (22-24[o]C), the spontaneous seizure-like events occur at low frequency and are variable in nature and duration.

Immersion of two-day-old paraDS.S1231R flies in a 40[o]C water bath results in a rapid decline in coordinated walking movements, following by the flies falling onto their backs or sides. Within 20 seconds of immersion in the water bath, 100% of both male and female paraDS.S1231R mutants exhibit seizures and continue to do so throughout the 2 minute heating period. Upon removal from the water bath, the flies rapidly resume walking/climbing behaviour. Heterozygous paraDS.S1231R flies exhibit a delay in seizure onset and a lower probability of seizure, compared to homozygous mutants. The majority of heterozygotes (89%) exhibit seizure activity and a lower 'total seizure time' compared to homozygotes, indicating that paraDS.S1231R is semi-dominant. At the lower temperature of 38[o]C, homozygous paraDS.S1231R flies still exhibit rapid seizure onset and a high maximal seizure probability.

At 38[o]C, trans-heterozygous paraGEFS+/paraDS.S1231R mutants show a reduced rather than an intermediate seizure probability compared with either homozygotes.

paraDS.S1231R mutant local neurons (LNs) exhibit both constitutive and conditional reduction in sodium current activity. Evoked firing frequency is constitutively decreased in paraDS.S1231R LNs.

At 23[o]C, paraDS.S1231R mutants exhibit regular burst firing characterised by slow-wave depolarizations capped by a variable number of spikelets. These mutants have a significant reduction in the burst frequency in paraDS.S1231R compared with control LNs. As the temperature increases towards 35[o]C, the burst frequency in paraDS.S1231R LNs do not exhibit the increase in burst frequency at 27-31[o]C, as in wild-type.

paraDS.S1231R flies fed with 5-HTP exhibit a significant dose-dependent reduction in total seizing time. Total seizing time is significantly reduced compared with non 5-HTP flies. The seizure time of flies that are returned to normal food following 5-HTP exposure is indistinguishable from that of controls. Feeding with 5-HTP partially rescues the reduced local neuron burst firing frequency in paraDS.S1231R mutants.

The spontaneous burst frequency in paraDS.S1231R flies fed 5-HTP is significantly increased compared with untreated paraDS.S1231R at 23[o]C. As the temperature rises towards 35[o]C, the burst frequency in both 5-HTP treated and untreated paraDS.S1231R local neurons is stable up to 32[o]C, at which point the frequency in both groups begins to decline before complete cessation at 35[o]C. However, the burst firing frequency of local neurons in 5-HTP treated paraDS.S1231R flies is significantly increased compared with that in untreated paraDS.S1231R flies for most of the temperature range. There is no change in local neuron spikelet frequency, spikelet threshold, or burst duration in paraDS.S1231R flies fed 5-HTP, indicating that treatment has no effect on the intrinsic properties of the local neurons.

Overall, treatment with 5-HTP does not directly reverse the effects of the paraDS.S1231R mutation on sodium channels, but suppresses the seizure phenotype by modulating circuit activity.

External Data
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