FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term photoreceptor cell R8 ID (Ontology) FBbt:00004227 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Inner photoreceptor cell of the ommatidium whose rhabdomere is located proximally, directly below that of R7 (Wernet and Desplan, 2004). It has a single axon that extends through a single column of the lamina without making synapses and crosses the first optic chiasm to reach the medulla (Fischbach and Dittrich, 1989). It forms reciprocal inhibitory histaminergic synapses with the R8 photoreceptor of the same optic column (Schnaitmann et al., 2018), with a large proportion in the first optic chiasm (Kind et al., 2021). It is also cholinergic (Davis et al., 2020).[ FlyBase:FBrf0049410 FlyBase:FBrf0064798 FlyBase:FBrf0206213 FlyBase:FBrf0237706 FlyBase:FBrf0244935 FlyBase:FBrf0252485 ]
Also Known As "lamina receptor cell R8" ; "R8"
Comment Fischbach and Dittrich (1989) suggest there may be two (non-DRA) variants of R8, one terminating in each of M3 and M4; this has not been substantiated in subsequent papers.
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Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN     192
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      14
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      75
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Images Insertions Constructs
 photoreceptor cell R8 (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)     201     41      1     90     88
     photoreceptor cell R8 | adult stage       2       --       --       --       2
     photoreceptor cell R8 | adult stage | somatic clone       4       --       --       1       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage       3       --       --       --       2
     photoreceptor cell R8 | cell non-autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | ectopic       5       --       --       --       5
     photoreceptor cell R8 | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | increased number      16       --       --       --       9
     photoreceptor cell R8 | increased number | wandering third instar larval stage | temperature conditional       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | larval stage       6       --       --       --       6
     photoreceptor cell R8 | larval stage | somatic clone       8       --       --       --       6
     photoreceptor cell R8 | nutrition conditional       3       --       --       --       2
     photoreceptor cell R8 | P-stage       3       --       --       1       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | P-stage | somatic clone       4       --       --       --       4
     photoreceptor cell R8 | precursor       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | precursor | somatic clone       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | prepupal stage       3       --       --       --       1
     photoreceptor cell R8 | pupal stage       4       --       --       --       4
     photoreceptor cell R8 | pupal stage | somatic clone       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | somatic clone      25       --       --       3      4
     photoreceptor cell R8 | somatic clone - Minute background       1       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | somatic clone - tissue specific       2       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | somatic clone | increased number       8       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | somatic clone | increased number | wandering third instar larval stage       3       --       --       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       6       --       --       1       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | third instar larval stage       7       --       --       1      5
     photoreceptor cell R8 | wandering third instar larval stage       2       --       --       --       4
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
eye photoreceptor cell
 |__inner photoreceptor cell__
cholinergic neuron            |
 |__adult cholinergic neuron__|
adult neuron                  |
 |__adult cholinergic neuron__|
                              photoreceptor cell R8  503 rec.
                               |__dorsal margin photoreceptor cell R8 16 rec.
                               |__photoreceptor cell R8 of pale ommatidium 42 rec.
                               |__photoreceptor cell R8 of yellow ommatidium 34 rec.
                               |__photoreceptor cell R8 pigment granule
                               |__photoreceptor cell R8 stalk 20 rec.
                               |__rhabdomere R8 17 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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hide Relationships
Is a inner photoreceptor cell
adult cholinergic neuron
Develops from photoreceptor R8 precursor cell
Part of
hide Synonyms & Secondary IDs
  • "lamina receptor cell R8" EXACT
    "R8" EXACT VFB_SYMBOL[ FlyBase:FBrf0247762 ]
    "receptor cell R8" RELATED
Secondary IDs
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