FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term spermatid axoneme ID (Ontology) FBbt:00004950 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Flagellar organelle that grows out from the basal body embedded at the base of the nucleus, on an onion stage spermatid. It elongates throughout the elongation stage to extend the length of the sperm tail. It is surrounded by a double membrane (axonemal sheath) and has the characteristic 9+2 disposition, with 9 outer doublet microtubules surrounding a central pair of singlet microtubules. During development, a projection from each doublet microtubule extends to form an accessory microtubule which becomes densely stained. Radial spokes develop that connect the outer doublets with the central region of the axoneme.[ FlyBase:FBrf0064778 ]
Also Known As "axial filament"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      68
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      23
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      15
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 spermatid axoneme (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      68      2     23     16
     spermatid axoneme | P-stage       4       --       2       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
elongation stage spermatid
 |__axial complex____________________
individualization stage spermatid    |
 |__axial complex____________________|
anatomical structure                 |
 |__cell component___________________|
male organism                        |
 |__male-specific anatomical entity__|
cell component                       |
 |__axial complex____________________|
male-specific anatomical entity      |
 |__axial complex____________________|
anatomical entity                    |
 |__male-specific anatomical entity__|
                                     spermatid axoneme  109 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a cell component
male-specific anatomical entity
Part of axial complex
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