FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term epidermis ID (Ontology) FBbt:00004993 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Tissue composed of epithelial cells. It secretes and underlies the cuticle.[ FlyBase:FBrf0064790 ]
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      77
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       6
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      16
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Images Insertions Constructs
 epidermis (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      78    127      2    167     29
     epidermis | anterior       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | dorsal      18       --       --       1      3
     epidermis | embryonic stage       2       --       --       --       3
     epidermis | embryonic stage 13 | germline clone       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | germline clone | ventral       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | pharate adult stage       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | posterior       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | posterior | somatic clone       2       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | somatic clone       1       --       --       --       --
     epidermis | ventral       2       --       --       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
organ system
 |__integumentary system__________
epithelium                        |
 |__cuboidal/columnar epithelium__|
                                  epidermis  6708 rec.
                                   |__adult epidermis 31 rec.
                                   |   |__adult epidermal cell(+)
                                   |__dorsal head epidermis 91 rec.
                                   |__dorsal pouch 166 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic dorsal pouch(+) 102 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic/larval dorsal pouch(+) 36 rec.
                                   |__embryonic dorsal epidermis 1081 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic leading edge cell(+) 172 rec.
                                   |__embryonic epidermis 2382 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic dorsal epidermis 1081 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic head epidermis(+) 560 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic ventral epidermis(+) 977 rec.
                                   |__embryonic/larval epidermis 299 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic/larval epidermal cell
                                   |   |__histoblast nest(+) 110 rec.
                                   |   |__small cell associated with anterior dorsal histoblasts abdominal(+)
                                   |__epidermal cell 3713 rec.
                                   |   |__adult epidermal cell(+)
                                   |   |__embryonic leading edge cell(+) 172 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic/larval epidermal cell
                                   |   |__eo sensory organ accessory cell(+) 3483 rec.
                                   |   |__footpad hair cell
                                   |__epidermoblast 5 rec.
                                   |__lateral head epidermis 13 rec.
                                   |__oenocyte 305 rec.
                                   |   |__adult oenocyte 55 rec.
                                   |   |__embryonic/larval oenocyte 234 rec.
                                   |__prepupal epidermis
                                   |__pupal epidermis 17 rec.
                                   |__ventral head epidermis 11 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
View Depth
Show hierarchy levels: for parents, for children
hide Relationships
Is a cuboidal/columnar epithelium
Part of integumentary system
hide Synonyms & Secondary IDs
  • "hypoderm" RELATED
    "hypodermis" RELATED
Secondary IDs
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