FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term ventral nerve cord ID (Ontology) FBbt:00005097 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Posterior region of the central nervous system containing the thoracic and abdominal neuromeres (Clark et al., 2018; Court et al., 2020). In the larva it is joined at its anterior end to the posterior gnathal ganglion (Eschbach and Zlatic, 2020). In the adult it is a separate entity, connected to the brain by the neck connective (Ito et al., 2014; Court et al., 2020).[ FlyBase:FBrf0224194 FlyBase:FBrf0238752 FlyBase:FBrf0246815 FlyBase:FBrf0247585 ]
Also Known As "ventral nervous system"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       8
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       3
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles  Genes Insertions Constructs
 ventral nerve cord (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       8      1     45      9      7
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
nervous system
 |__central nervous system____
organ system subdivision      |
 |__central nervous system____|
multicellular structure       |
 |__organ system subdivision__|
                              ventral nerve cord  4222 rec.
                               |__abdominal neuromere 100 rec.
                               |   |__adult abdominal neuromere(+) 37 rec.
                               |   |__embryonic abdominal neuromere(+) 4 rec.
                               |   |__larval abdominal neuromere(+) 51 rec.
                               |__adult ventral nerve cord 514 rec.
                               |   |__adult abdominal neuromere(+) 37 rec.
                               |   |__adult abdominal ventral anterior lateral (female) dsx/Mip neuron 1 rec.
                               |   |__adult accessory mesothoracic neuropil(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless dAB3 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless dMS1 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless dMS2 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless dMS4 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless dMS6 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless dMT1 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless dPR1 lineage clone(+) 7 rec.
                               |   |__adult fruitless vAB1 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless vMS3 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless vMS4 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless vMS5 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless vMS10 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless vMT1 lineage clone(+) 1 rec.
                               |   |__adult fruitless vPR2 lineage clone(+)
                               |   |__adult fruitless vPR6 (female) lineage clone(+) 2 rec.
                               |   |__adult fruitless vPR6 (male) lineage clone(+) 12 rec.
                               |   |__adult midline of ventral nerve cord
                               |   |__adult Tachykinin neuron of the thoracic-abdominal ganglion
                               |   |__adult thoracic neuromere(+) 71 rec.
                               |   |__adult ventral nerve cord cell body rind(+) 2 rec.
                               |   |__adult ventral nerve cord commissure(+)
                               |   |__adult ventral nerve cord neuropil glial cell
                               |   |__adult VNC perineurial glial cell 4 rec.
                               |   |__haltere tract
                               |   |__intermediate dorsal abdominal tract
                               |   |__intermediate tract of dorsal cervical fasciculus
                               |   |__intermediate tract of dorsal cervical fasciculus - commissure of fine fibers
                               |   |__intermediate tract of dorsal cervical fasciculus - haltere commissure
                               |   |__lateral dorsal abdominal tract
                               |   |__median dorsal abdominal tract
                               |   |__tectulum(+) 2 rec.
                               |   |__ventral ellipse
                               |__embryonic ventral nerve cord 309 rec.
                               |   |__embryonic anterior midline glial cell
                               |   |__embryonic immature Basin neuron
                               |   |__embryonic longitudinal glial cell(+) 138 rec.
                               |   |__embryonic midline of ventral nerve cord(+) 70 rec.
                               |   |__embryonic posterior midline glial cell 25 rec.
                               |   |__embryonic ventral neuromere(+) 26 rec.
                               |__larval ventral nerve cord 3593 rec.
                               |   |__cell body rind of larval ventral nerve cord(+) 48 rec.
                               |   |__dorsal lateral subperineurial glial cell 16 rec.
                               |   |__EG neuron 12 rec.
                               |   |__embryonic/larval midline of ventral nerve cord 8 rec.
                               |   |__larval A-subperineurial glial cell(+) 28 rec.
                               |   |__larval A07f2 neuron(+)
                               |   |__larval abdominal neuromere(+) 51 rec.
                               |   |__larval Basin neuron(+) 17 rec.
                               |   |__larval channel glial cell(+) 41 rec.
                               |   |__larval dopaminergic AL neuron(+)
                               |   |__larval dopaminergic AM neuron(+)
                               |   |__larval dopaminergic TM1 neuron(+)
                               |   |__larval dopaminergic TM2 neuron
                               |   |__larval dopaminergic TM3 neuron 3 rec.
                               |   |__larval down and back neuron(+) 3 rec.
                               |   |__larval Drunken-2 neuron
                               |   |__larval excitatory interneuron eIN(+) 18 rec.
                               |   |__larval feedback local interneuron(+) 3 rec.
                               |   |__larval feedforward local interneuron(+) 9 rec.
                               |   |__larval fpCC neuron 10 rec.
                               |   |__larval Goro neuron 13 rec.
                               |   |__larval intersegmental nerve root(+) 46 rec.
                               |   |__larval Ladder neuron(+) 5 rec.
                               |   |__larval mCSI neuron(+)
                               |   |__larval nociceptive neuropil
                               |   |__larval segmental nerve root(+) 21 rec.
                               |   |__larval thoracic neuromere(+) 23 rec.
                               |   |__larval transverse nerve root
                               |   |__larval ventral nerve cord commissure(+) 222 rec.
                               |   |__larval VNC neuropil glial cell(+) 126 rec.
                               |   |__lateral cord(+) 214 rec.
                               |   |__lateral dorsal subperineurial glial cell 1 rec.
                               |   |__lateral ipsisegmental neuron(+) 1 rec.
                               |   |__lateral locomotor LLN interneuron
                               |   |__lateral ventral subperineurial glial cell(+) 19 rec.
                               |   |__medial dorsal subperineurial glial cell 14 rec.
                               |   |__medial lateral subperineurial glial cell 4 rec.
                               |   |__medial ventral subperineurial glial cell 15 rec.
                               |   |__pCC neuron 143 rec.
                               |   |__period-positive median segmental interneuron(+) 7 rec.
                               |   |__RP neuron(+) 626 rec.
                               |   |__TB neuron
                               |   |__Tvb neuron 11 rec.
                               |   |__Va neuron 4 rec.
                               |   |__ventral group vA neuron(+) 4 rec.
                               |   |__ventral intersegmental neuron(+) 2 rec.
                               |   |__ventral lateral subperineurial glial cell 17 rec.
                               |   |__ventral nerve cord synaptic neuropil subdomain(+) 4 rec.
                               |   |__y interneuron(+)
                               |__midline of ventral nerve cord 95 rec.
                               |   |__adult midline of ventral nerve cord
                               |   |__embryonic midline of ventral nerve cord(+) 70 rec.
                               |   |__embryonic/larval midline of ventral nerve cord 8 rec.
                               |   |__midline neuroblast of ventral nervous system(+) 62 rec.
                               |__ventral nervous system commissure 222 rec.
                                   |__adult ventral nerve cord commissure(+)
                                   |__larval ventral nerve cord commissure(+) 222 rec.
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Is a organ system subdivision
Part of central nervous system
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