FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term mushroom body ID (Ontology) FBbt:00005801 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Bilaterally paired neuropil structure situated postero-dorsally in the protocerebrum that functions in olfactory associative learning and memory. The mushroom body is divided into: the calyx, which is closest to the cortex and receives sensory interneuron afferents; the pedunculus, which is a thick axon bundle extending from the calyx to the base of the lobes; and the mushroom body lobe system, which consists of a vertical branch and a medial branch, which have different structures at different life stages (Lee et al., 1999; Ito et al., 2014).[ FlyBase:FBrf0111409 FlyBase:FBrf0224194 FlyBase:FBrf0248215 ]
Also Known As "corpora pedunculata" ; "MB"
Comment This term as defined in Ito et al. (2014) corresponds to both the mushroom body (MB) and calyx (Cal) of Chiang et al. (2011).
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      62
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       8
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      34
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 mushroom body (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      84     16     34     57
     mushroom body | adult stage      13       --       --       9
     mushroom body | adult stage | heat sensitive       3       --       --       2
     mushroom body | adult stage | somatic clone       1       --       --       --
     mushroom body | P-stage       5       --       --       3
     mushroom body | P-stage | heat sensitive       2       --       --       1
     mushroom body | P-stage | somatic clone       1       --       --       --
     mushroom body | progressive       4       --       --       3
     mushroom body | pupal stage       2       --       --       1
     mushroom body | somatic clone       9       --       1      1
     mushroom body | third instar larval stage       2       --       --       2
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
disconnected anatomical group  |
 |__synaptic neuropil block____|
anterior ectoderm derivative___|
synaptic neuropil              |
 |__synaptic neuropil block____|
supraesophageal zone           |
                               mushroom body  6051 rec.
                                |__adult mushroom body 5757 rec.
                                |   |__calyx of adult mushroom body(+) 169 rec.
                                |   |__lobe system of adult mushroom body(+) 2816 rec.
                                |   |__pedunculus of adult mushroom body(+) 53 rec.
                                |   |__spur of adult mushroom body 1 rec.
                                |__embryonic/larval mushroom body 278 rec.
                                |   |__calyx of larval mushroom body(+) 30 rec.
                                |   |__core layer of the larval mushroom body 17 rec.
                                |   |__inner layer of the larval mushroom body 18 rec.
                                |   |__lobe system of larval mushroom body(+) 34 rec.
                                |   |__outer layer of the larval mushroom body 18 rec.
                                |   |__pedunculus of larval mushroom body 18 rec.
                                |   |__spur of larval mushroom body 8 rec.
                                |   |__surface layer of the larval mushroom body 15 rec.
                                |__mushroom body neuropil subdivision 2998 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body alpha'' lobe 3 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body alpha'-lobe(+) 1900 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body alpha-lobe(+) 317 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body beta'' lobe
                                    |__adult mushroom body beta'-lobe(+) 144 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body beta-lobe(+) 384 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body dorsal accessory calyx 18 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body gamma-lobe(+) 1107 rec.
                                    |__adult mushroom body lateral accessory calyx
                                    |__adult mushroom body lateral calyx
                                    |__adult mushroom body medial calyx
                                    |__adult mushroom body ventral accessory calyx
                                    |__core layer of the larval mushroom body 17 rec.
                                    |__inner layer of the larval mushroom body 18 rec.
                                    |__intermediate toe of larval mushroom body medial lobe
                                    |__larval mushroom body accessory calyx
                                    |__larval mushroom body calyx glomerulus(+) 9 rec.
                                    |__lateral appendix of larval mushroom body
                                    |__layer of mushroom body slice(+)
                                    |__lobe system of mushroom body(+) 2874 rec.
                                    |__lower toe of larval mushroom body medial lobe
                                    |__main calyx of adult mushroom body
                                    |__mushroom body calyx(+) 219 rec.
                                    |__mushroom body layer(+) 75 rec.
                                    |__mushroom body medial lobe(+) 1445 rec.
                                    |__mushroom body medial lobelet
                                    |__mushroom body pedunculus(+) 119 rec.
                                    |__mushroom body slice(+) 116 rec.
                                    |__mushroom body spur(+) 26 rec.
                                    |__mushroom body vertical lobe(+) 2205 rec.
                                    |__mushroom body vertical lobelet
                                    |__outer layer of the larval mushroom body 18 rec.
                                    |__pedunculus divide of adult mushroom body
                                    |__pedunculus neck of adult mushroom body 2 rec.
                                    |__surface layer of the larval mushroom body 15 rec.
                                    |__upper toe of larval mushroom body medial lobe
Spanning Tree View Settings
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hide Relationships
Is a anterior ectoderm derivative
synaptic neuropil block
Develops from mushroom body primordium
Part of protocerebrum
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