FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-ellipsoid body canal-gall neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00111375 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Interneuron that receives input in a glomerulus of the protocerebral bridge (PB), and has outputs in the ellipsoid body (EB), where its arbor enwraps the canal (central hole) and the dorsal or ventral gall (Lin et al., 2013; Wolff and Rubin, 2018). Its PB arbor often spills into neighboring glomeruli (Wolff and Rubin, 2018). The mapping between PB glomeruli and EB tiles is the same as for the 'tile' cell, but EB arbors extend deeper into the medial, and sometimes anterior, shells (Wolff and Rubin, 2018). Neurons that arborize an odd-numbered protocerebral bridge glomerulus project to the dorsal gall, whereas even-numbered ones project to the ventral gall, with sparse arborization, close to the surface of the region (Wolff and Rubin, 2018). Collectively, all 9 protocerebral bridge glomeruli are targeted by cells of this type (Wolff and Rubin, 2018).[ FlyBase:FBrf0221742 FlyBase:FBrf0240744 ]
Also Known As "P-EcG neuron" ; "PB 1 glomerulus-EB canal-GA neuron" ; "PB 1 glomerulus-EB core-IDFP DSB neuron" (for all, see Synonyms field below)
Comment The dorsal or ventral spindle bodies are located in the dorsolateral region of the inferior dorsofrontal protocerebrum (IDFP) and correspond to the dorsal or ventral gall, respectively (Ito et al., 2014 - FBrf0224194, Lin et al., 2013, Wolff et al., 2015). Thought to correspond to PBG1-8.s-EBt.b-D/V GA.b (renamed to PBG1-9.s-EBt.b-D/V GA.b) by Wolff et al. (2015), this was amended in Wolff and Rubin (2018) and it is now thought to correspond to PBG1-9.s-EBc.b-D/V GA.b. Not identified in hemibrain dataset (Hulse et al., 2021 - FBrf0254510).
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 adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-ellipsoid body canal-gall neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       5     13
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adult brain
 |__small field neuron of the central complex____
small field neuron                               |
 |__small field neuron of the central complex____|
extrinsic neuron                                 |
 |__adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron__|
adult central complex neuron                     |
 |__adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron__|
 |__small field neuron of the central complex____|
adult interneuron                                |
 |__adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron__|
 |__small field neuron of the central complex____|
                                                 adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-ellipsoid body canal-gall neuron  18 rec.
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 1-ellipsoid body canal-dorsal gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-ellipsoid body canal-ventral gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-ellipsoid body canal-dorsal gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-ellipsoid body canal-ventral gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-ellipsoid body canal-dorsal gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-ellipsoid body canal-ventral gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-ellipsoid body canal-dorsal gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-ellipsoid body canal-ventral gall neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-ellipsoid body canal-dorsal gall neuron
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Is a adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron
small field neuron of the central complex
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