FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term RU486 conditional ID (Ontology) FBcv:0000314 (FlyBase CV)
Definition Phenotype expressed only in the presence of RU486 (CHEBI:50692), also known as mifepristone.
Also Known As "conditional mifepristone" ; "conditional RU486"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPIC_CLASS     415
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPIC_CLASS     390
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Insertions Constructs
 RU486 conditional (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)     415       --     390
     abnormal aging | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal behavior | RU486 conditional       8       --       8
     abnormal cell shape | pupal stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       1
     abnormal circadian rhythm | adult stage | RU486 conditional       7       --       7
     abnormal circadian rhythm | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal copulation | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     abnormal courtship behavior | RU486 conditional      11       --      11
     abnormal developmental rate | RU486 conditional      10       --      10
     abnormal feeding behavior | adult stage | RU486 conditional       7       --       7
     abnormal feeding behavior | larval stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal feeding behavior | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal heat stress response | male limited | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal heat stress response | RU486 conditional       2       --       1
     abnormal immune response | adult stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal immune response | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal learning | adult stage | adult stage | RU486 conditional       6       --       6
     abnormal learning | adult stage | progressive | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal learning | adult stage | RU486 conditional       5       --       5
     abnormal learning | larval stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     abnormal learning | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal learning | third instar larval stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage | progressive | RU486 conditional       8       --       8
     abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage | RU486 conditional      21       --      21
     abnormal locomotor behavior | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal locomotor behavior | RU486 conditional      11       --      11
     abnormal locomotor rhythm | adult stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal locomotor rhythm | RU486 conditional       8       --       8
     abnormal mating behavior | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal mating | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal memory | adult stage | RU486 conditional      33       --      31
     abnormal memory | RU486 conditional       8       --       8
     abnormal memory | third instar larval stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage | RU486 conditional       7       --       7
     abnormal neuroanatomy | P-stage | RU486 conditional       7       --       6
     abnormal neuroanatomy | pupal stage P5 | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     abnormal neuroanatomy | pupal stage | RU486 conditional       5       --       4
     abnormal neuroanatomy | RU486 conditional       8       --       8
     abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage | RU486 conditional       6       --       6
     abnormal neurophysiology | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal neurophysiology | RU486 conditional       6       --       6
     abnormal osmotic stress response | adult stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     abnormal oxidative stress response | adult stage | RU486 conditional       5       --       3
     abnormal oxidative stress response | female limited | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal oxidative stress response | male limited | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal oxidative stress response | RU486 conditional       5       --       4
     abnormal proboscis extension reflex | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal size | adult stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       3
     abnormal size | pupal stage P5 | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     abnormal sleep | adult stage | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal sleep | adult stage | RU486 conditional       5       --       4
     abnormal sleep | male | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     abnormal sleep | RU486 conditional      15       --      14
     abnormal starvation stress response | adult stage | RU486 conditional      13       --      12
     abnormal starvation stress response | female limited | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     abnormal starvation stress response | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     abnormal stress response | adult stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       3
     abnormal stress response | female limited | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     abnormal stress response | RU486 conditional      13       --      13
     abnormal thermotaxis | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     abnormal wound healing | adult stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     abnormal wound healing | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     adult brain | RU486 conditional       6       --       6
     adult central brain | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     adult fat body | adult stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     adult fat body | cell non-autonomous | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     adult fat body | RU486 conditional       6       --       4
     adult gut | RU486 conditional       6       --       5
     adult heart | adult stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     adult heart | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     adult heart | RU486 conditional      16       --      16
     adult marginal nerve wrapping glial cell | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     adult optic lobe | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     autolysosome | adult stage | increased number | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     autophagosome | adult stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     bouton | increased number | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     bouton | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     chemical resistant | RU486 conditional       8       --       7
     chemical sensitive | adult stage | RU486 conditional       9       --       7
     decreased body weight | adult stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     decreased cell number | adult stage | progressive | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     decreased fecundity | female | RU486 conditional       5       --       5
     decreased occurrence of cell division | adult stage | RU486 conditional      11       --       8
     decreased rate of adult locomotory behavior | progressive | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     decreased rate of adult locomotory behavior | RU486 conditional       8       --       8
     decreased rate of feeding behavior | adult stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     decreased rate of movement | adult stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     decreased sleep | male | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     decreased sleep | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     dendrite | P-stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       3
     dendrite | pupal stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       1
     dendrite | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     dendritic tree | P-stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       3
     dendritic tree | pupal stage P5 | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     dendritic tree | pupal stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       3
     egg | maternal effect | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | third instar larval stage | RU486 conditional       6       --       6
     embryonic/larval sensory neuron | P-stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     endosome | P-stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       3
     eye | RU486 conditional       5      1      4
     female reproductive system | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     female semi-fertile | RU486 conditional       5       --       5
     female semi-sterile | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     female sterile | RU486 conditional       6       --       5
     flight muscle cell | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     Golgi apparatus | third instar larval stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     increased cell death | adult stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     increased cell death | somatic clone | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     increased fecundity | female | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     increased fecundity | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     increased mortality | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     increased rate of adult locomotory behavior | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     increased rate of feeding behavior | adult stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     increased rate of movement | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     increased size | spermatogenesis | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     increased sleep | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     intestinal stem cell | RU486 conditional       2       --       1
     l-LNv neuron | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     lamina | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | P-stage | RU486 conditional       5       --       4
     larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | pupal stage P5 | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | pupal stage | RU486 conditional       5       --       4
     larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | third instar larval stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       2
     larval multidendritic class IV neuron | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     lethal - all die before end of larval stage | RU486 conditional       6       --       6
     lethal - all die before end of pupal stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     lethal | RU486 conditional      19       --      12
     lipid droplet | adult stage | cell non-autonomous | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     lipid droplet | adult stage | RU486 conditional      11       --       9
     long lived | female limited | RU486 conditional       6       --       5
     long lived | female | RU486 conditional      21       --      20
     long lived | male | RU486 conditional       2       --       1
     long lived | RU486 conditional      88       --      77
     male semi-sterile | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     marginal nerve | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     mitochondrion | maternal effect | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     mitochondrion | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     myofibril | adult stage | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     neuromuscular junction | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     NMJ bouton | decreased number | larval stage | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     NMJ bouton | larval stage | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     NMJ bouton | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     nucleus | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     ommatidium | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     partially lethal - majority die | RU486 conditional       7       --       7
     partially lethal - majority live | male | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     photoreceptor neuron | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     protocerebrum | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     rhabdomere of eye photoreceptor cell | progressive | RU486 conditional       4       --       4
     sarcomere | adult stage | progressive | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     short lived | female | RU486 conditional      16       --      16
     short lived | male | RU486 conditional      10       --      10
     short lived | RU486 conditional     134       --     123
     some die during larval stage | RU486 conditional       6       --       6
     some die during P-stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     some die during pupal stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     synapse | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     testis | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     uncoordinated | RU486 conditional       3       --       3
     viable | RU486 conditional       8       --       8
     visceral muscle fiber | larval stage | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     visible | adult stage | RU486 conditional       5       --       4
     visible | RU486 conditional       6       --       4
     wild-type | RU486 conditional       4       --       3
     wing disc | somatic clone | RU486 conditional       2       --       2
     wing | RU486 conditional       6      2      4
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
  chemical conditional
   |__drug conditional
       |__RU486 conditional  805 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a drug conditional
Part of
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  • "conditional mifepristone" EXACT
    "conditional RU486" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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