FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Gene Group - Pathway: Hippo Signaling Pathway
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General Information
Hippo Signaling Pathway
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Date last reviewed
Number of members
The Hippo signaling pathway is an intracellular kinase cascade in which hpo kinase in complex with sav, phosphorylates wts kinase which, in turn, phosphorylates yki transcriptional co-activator leading to its cytosolic retention. Activation of the Hippo pathway results in the down-regulation of cell proliferation and up-regulation of apoptosis, limiting tissue size. (Adapted from FBrf0224870).
Notes and selected reviews

Note: Pathway Pages in FlyBase are under development. The pathway gene tables display genes that have been experimentally shown to act within the pathway or modify pathway activity. We welcome any feedback to help improve the usefulness and accuracy of these gene lists.

Selected publications for background information: Upstream Regulation of the Hippo Size Control Pathway (FBrf0214165), Hippo Gains Weight: Added Insights and Complexity to Pathway Control (FBrf0224870), Mechanisms of Hippo pathway regulation (FBrf0230577), Tissue growth and tumorigenesis in Drosophila: cell polarity and the Hippo pathway (FBrf0236564), Upstairs, downstairs: spatial regulation of Hippo signalling (FBrf0238869).

Only genes that lie upstream of or directly influence yki cytosolic retention have been included in Hippo Signaling Pathway gene groups. Nuclear factors that regulate yki-mediated transcription or DNA-binding transcription factors that act with yki such as sd, tsh and hth (FBrf0209052) have not been included.

Biological Process Gene Ontology (GO) term(s)
Related Gene Groups
Physical Interaction Network
Members (90)
For all members:
GO ribbon stack
 molecular functionbiological processcellular component
External Data
Other resource(s)

[Illustration - Hippo signaling regulates growth in Drosophila and mice. (The Interactive Fly)](http://www.sdbonline.org/sites/fly/pathway/aapathway2.htm#Hip1)

[Illustration - Hippo signaling regulates Drosophila intestine stem cell proliferation through multiple pathways (The Interactive Fly)](http://www.sdbonline.org/sites/fly/pathway/aapathway2.htm#Hip2)

[Reactome Pathway - Hippo/Warts pathway](https://reactome.org/PathwayBrowser/#/R-DME-390146&PATH=R-DME-5252538)

[KEGG pathway - Hippo signaling pathway - fly](https://www.kegg.jp/entry/pathway/dme04391)

Synonyms and Secondary IDs
Hippo Signaling Pathway
Salvador-Warts-Hippo pathway
SWH pathway
Hippo-Warts pathway
Secondary FlyBase ID(s)
References (138)