FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Human Disease Model Report: lysosomal storage disorder (postulated), SPNS-related
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General Information
lysosomal storage disorder (postulated), SPNS-related
FlyBase ID
Disease Ontology Term
Parent Disease

This report describes work done with the fly gene spin, based on the observation that intracellular accumulation of lipids and enlarged dysfunctional lysosomes are linked to several neurodegenerative diseases. Dmel\spin encodes a conserved transmembrane lysosomal efflux transporter of sphingolipids and other lysosome cargoes. Classical loss-of-function alleles, RNAi-targeting constructs, and alleles caused by insertional mutagenesis have been generated for spin.

There are three orthologous genes in human, SPNS1, SPNS2, and SPNS3. The human genes have not been associated with human disease by OMIM, but there is evidence that SPNS2 may play roles in the progression of lung cancer and in progressive hearing loss. None of the orthologous human genes has been introduced into flies.

Animals homozygous for hypomorphic mutations of Dmel\spin exhibit decreased adult life span, defects in courtship behavior, accumulation of enlarged autolysosomes, and neurodegeneration. Physical and genetic interactions have been described for Dmel\spin; see below and in the gene report for spin.

[updated Apr. 2018 by FlyBase; FBrf0222196]

Disease Summary Information
Disease Summary: lysosomal storage disorder (postulated), SPNS-related
OMIM report
Human gene(s) implicated
Symptoms and phenotype

Lysosomal storage diseases are inherited metabolic diseases that are characterized by an abnormal build-up of various toxic materials in the body's cells as a result of enzyme deficiencies. [NORD, Lysosomal Storage Disorders; 2018.04.16]

Lysosomal storage diseases describe a heterogeneous group of dozens of rare inherited disorders characterized by the accumulation of undigested or partially digested macromolecules, which ultimately results in cellular dysfunction and clinical abnormalities (https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1182830-overview).


Most lysosomal storage disorders are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. [NORD, Lysosomal Storage Disorders; 2018.04.16]

Cellular phenotype and pathology

Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) result in accumulation of undegraded products in lysosomes. This causes enlargement of cells (ballooning), cellular dysfunction, and cell death. On electron microscopic examination, the stored products are membrane-bound because they are contained within lysosomes (http://neuropathology-web.org/chapter10/chapter10aLSDgeneral.html).

Molecular information

Sphingolipids consist of a backbone of ceramide with attached oligosaccharide side chains. They are major constituents of cell membranes (http://neuropathology-web.org/chapter10/chapter10aLSDgeneral.html).

SPNS2 (sphingolipid transporter 2) encodes a transporter of sphingosine 1-phosphate, a secreted lipid that is important in cardiovascular, immunological, and neural development. [Gene Cards, SPNS2; 2018.04.16]

External links
Disease synonyms
lysosomal storage disease
Search term: lipid storage disease
Ortholog Information
Human gene(s) in FlyBase
    Human gene (HGNC)
    D. melanogaster ortholog (based on DIOPT)
    Comments on ortholog(s)

    Many to one: 3 human to 1 Drosophila. The human genes are SPNS1, SPNS2, and SPNS3; there is an additional low-scoring ortholog in fly.

    Human gene (HGNC)
    D. melanogaster ortholog (based on DIOPT)
    Comments on ortholog(s)

    Many to one: 3 human to 1 Drosophila. The human genes are SPNS1, SPNS2, and SPNS3; there is an additional low-scoring ortholog in fly.

    Human gene (HGNC)
    D. melanogaster ortholog (based on DIOPT)
    Comments on ortholog(s)

    Many to one: 3 human to 1 Drosophila. The human genes are SPNS1, SPNS2, and SPNS3; there is an additional low-scoring ortholog in fly.

    Other mammalian ortholog(s) used
      D. melanogaster Gene Information (1)
      Gene Snapshot
      spinster (spin) encodes a conserved transmembrane protein and a putative late-endosomal/lysosomal efflux permease. It is essential for mTOR reactivation and lysosome reformation following prolonged starvation and for regulation of TGF-β/BMP pathways in motoneuron and eye development. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-14]
      Molecular function (GO)
      Cellular component (GO)
      Gene Groups / Pathways
      Comments on ortholog(s)

      High-scoring ortholog of human SPNS1, SPNS2, and SPNS3 (1 Drosophila to 3 human); there is an additional low-scoring ortholog in fly. Dmel\spin shares 38-48% identity and 52-61% similarity with the human genes.

      Orthologs and Alignments from DRSC
      DIOPT - DRSC Integrative Ortholog Prediction Tool - Click the link below to search for orthologs in Humans
      Other Genes Used: Viral, Bacterial, Synthetic (0)
        Summary of Physical Interactions (4 groups)
        Interacting group
        Alleles Reported to Model Human Disease (Disease Ontology) (5 alleles)
        Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 3 )
        Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 2 )
        Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
        Genetic Tools, Stocks and Reagents
        Sources of Stocks
        Contact lab of origin for a reagent not available from a public stock center.
        Bloomington Stock Center Disease Page
        Related mammalian, viral, bacterial, or synthetic transgenes
        Publicly Available Stocks
        Selected Drosophila transgenes
        Publicly Available Stocks
        RNAi constructs available
        Publicly Available Stocks
        Selected Drosophila classical alleles
        Allele class
        Publicly Available Stocks
        loss of function allele
        PM hybrid dysgenesis
        loss of function allele
        Delta2-3 transposase
        loss of function allele
        ethyl methanesulfonate
        loss of function allele
        P-element activity
        loss of function allele
        ethyl methanesulfonate
        loss of function allele
        ethyl methanesulfonate
        loss of function allele
        ethyl methanesulfonate
        loss of function allele
        P-element activity
        loss of function allele
        P-element activity
        loss of function allele
        P-element activity
        References (6)