FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Human Disease Model Report: acute myeloid leukemia models, RAS-Scrib-complex-related
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General Information
acute myeloid leukemia models, RAS-Scrib-complex-related
FlyBase ID
Disease Ontology Term
Parent Disease

In flies, hemocyte-specific expression of an activated form of RAS (Dmel\Ras85DV12) in combination with knockdown of either scrib or l(2)gl results in dramatic increases in hemocyte number (in the range of 100-fold). The animals typically die during the larval or pupal stage. Phenotypes reminiscent of cachexia are observed. Responses to infectious agents have been assessed.

The constitutively active Ras85D mutation, Ras85DV12, is analogous to oncogenic mutations found in human RAS proteins. Variant(s) implicated in human disease tested (as analogous mutation in fly gene): G12V in the fly Ras85D gene (corresponds to G12V in the human KRAS and HRAS genes).

The Scribble polarity complex plays a key role in determining cell polarity and cell proliferation in epithelial cells. Classical amorphic and hypomorphic mutations, RNAi-targeting constructs, and alleles caused by insertional mutagenesis have been generated for both scrib and l(2)gl.

Drosophila cancer models using Ras85DV12 and genes encoding components of the Scribble complex have been developed using epithelial systems. See 'cancer, epithelial, RAS-LLGL-related' (FBhh0000588) and 'cancer, epithelial, RAS-SCRIB-related' (FBhh0000585).

[updated May 2019 by FlyBase; FBrf0222196]

Disease Summary Information
Disease Summary: acute myeloid leukemia models, RAS-Scrib-complex-related
OMIM report
Human gene(s) implicated
Symptoms and phenotype
Cellular phenotype and pathology
Molecular information
External links
Disease synonyms
Search term: hyperplastic phenotype(s)
Ortholog Information
Human gene(s) in FlyBase
    Other mammalian ortholog(s) used
      D. melanogaster Gene Information (3)
      Gene Snapshot
      Ras oncogene at 85D (Ras85D) encodes a protein that acts downstream of several cell signals, most notably from Receptor Tyrosine Kinases, to regulate tissue growth and development. When abnormally activated it can direct developmental defects and tissue hyperplasia, mimicking aspects of human disease including Rasopathies and cancer, respectively. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-14]
      Cellular component (GO)
      Gene Groups / Pathways
      Comments on ortholog(s)

      High-scoring ortholog of human genes KRAS, HRAS, and NRAS (many to many; multiple paralogs and orthologs in both species). Dmel\Ras85D shares 78-86% identity and 86-92% similarity with KRAS, HRAS, and NRAS; for these three human genes, Ras85D is the highest-scoring ortholog in Drosophila.

      Orthologs and Alignments from DRSC
      DIOPT - DRSC Integrative Ortholog Prediction Tool - Click the link below to search for orthologs in Humans
      Gene Snapshot
      scribble (scrib) encodes a scaffolding protein that is part of the conserved machinery regulating apicobasal polarity. It acts with the products of dlg1 and l(2)gl to distinguish the basolateral domain of epithelial cells and neuroblasts, via reciprocally antagonistic interactions with the aPKC/par-6 complex that impacts vesicle trafficking. The product of scrib also organizes synaptic architecture and is implicated in learning and memory. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-14]
      Gene Groups / Pathways
      Comments on ortholog(s)

      Ortholog of human SCRIB and LRRC1 (1 Drosophila to 2 human); Dmel\scrib shares 33% identity and 45% similarity with the human SCRIB gene. The human LRRC1 gene encodes a much smaller protein, corresponding to the amino end of SCRIB and Dmel\scrib; it shares 57% identity and 73% similarity with Dmel\scrib within that extent.

      Orthologs and Alignments from DRSC
      DIOPT - DRSC Integrative Ortholog Prediction Tool - Click the link below to search for orthologs in Humans
      Gene Snapshot
      lethal (2) giant larvae (l(2)gl) encodes a tumor suppressor protein that regulates cell polarity and asymmetric cell division. It acts on the basolateral side of epithelial cells, antagonizing the activity of apical complex proteins encoded by baz, par-6 and aPKC. [Date last reviewed: 2019-09-26]
      Gene Groups / Pathways
      Comments on ortholog(s)

      Moderate- to high-scoring ortholog of human LLGL1 and LLGL2 (1 Drosophila to 2 human). Dmel\l(2)gl shares 34-36% identity and 51-54% similarity with the human genes.

      Orthologs and Alignments from DRSC
      DIOPT - DRSC Integrative Ortholog Prediction Tool - Click the link below to search for orthologs in Humans
      Other Genes Used: Viral, Bacterial, Synthetic (0)
        Summary of Physical Interactions (58 groups)
        Interacting group
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        two hybrid, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, autoradiography
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        gtpase assay, autoradiography
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        two hybrid, pull down, western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        pull down, two hybrid, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        pull down, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, Identification by mass spectrometry, pull down, covalent binding, western blot
        Interacting group
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        proximity ligation assay, fluorescence microscopy
        colocalization, fluorescence microscopy, inferred by author, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, proximity-dependent biotin identification, proximity ligation assay
        proximity ligation assay, fluorescence microscopy
        anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, isothermal titration calorimetry, predetermined participant, x-ray crystallography
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, pull down
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        pull down, autoradiography
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        pull down, autoradiography, two hybrid, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        Interacting group
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, experimental knowledge based, proximity ligation assay, fluorescence microscopy
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        proximity ligation assay, fluorescence microscopy
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation
        pull down, western blot, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, experimental knowledge based, autoradiography, anti tag western blot
        proximity ligation assay, fluorescence microscopy, pull down, Identification by mass spectrometry, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag western blot
        Alleles Reported to Model Human Disease (Disease Ontology) (45 alleles)
        Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 16 )
        model of  cancer
        Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 17 )
        model of  cancer
        is ameliorated by NetBΔ
        is ameliorated by NetBKK103672
        is ameliorated by InRGL00139
        is ameliorated by InRJF01183
        is ameliorated by InRJF01482
        is ameliorated by unc-5MI04273
        is ameliorated by TimpUAS.cPa
        is ameliorated by bskDN.UAS
        is ameliorated by bskHMS00777
        is exacerbated by hepAct.UAS
        is exacerbated by imdUAS.cGa
        is ameliorated by JraNIG.2275R
        ameliorates  cancer
        model of  kidney cancer
        is ameliorated by Pka-C1B3
        is ameliorated by mTorΔP
        model of  cancer
        is exacerbated by exe1
        is exacerbated by Ptp61FΔ
        is exacerbated by M6W186stop
        is ameliorated by Ptip3804
        is exacerbated by p53UAS.cUa
        is ameliorated by Ilp8MI00727
        Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 10 )
        Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 11 )
        model of  carcinoma
        is ameliorated by CtBPHMS00677
        is ameliorated by CtBPJF01291
        is ameliorated by pucUAS.cMa
        model of  cancer
        model of  cancer
        model of  carcinoma
        is ameliorated by licGD7546
        is ameliorated by licJF01433
        is ameliorated by panJF02306
        is ameliorated by wgGD5007
        is ameliorated by Toll-7GD14417
        is ameliorated by Toll-7HM05230
        model of  carcinoma
        is exacerbated by Rho172F
        is exacerbated by RokGD1522
        is exacerbated by Toll-6GD14438
        is exacerbated by Toll-6GD35
        is exacerbated by kstGLC01654
        is exacerbated by sqhGL00663
        is exacerbated by zipGD1566
        is exacerbated by DefSK3
        is exacerbated by egr3
        is exacerbated by bskDN.UAS.cUa
        is ameliorated by msnUAS.cSa
        is ameliorated by Diap1UAS.cHa
        is ameliorated by Ire1GD3071
        is ameliorated by Ire1f02170
        is ameliorated by Xbp1GD4745
        is exacerbated by bskDN.UAS
        model of  cancer
        is ameliorated by hepr75
        is ameliorated by ykiB5
        is ameliorated by egr1
        is ameliorated by Ilp21
        is exacerbated by Ilp2UAS.cBa
        is ameliorated by Ilp53
        is exacerbated by InRUAS.Exel
        is exacerbated by chico1
        model of  carcinoma
        is exacerbated by aptGD1367
        is ameliorated by aptUAS.cEa
        is ameliorated by Gadd45KK104250
        is ameliorated by GlyatTH00482
        is ameliorated by Glyatc02982
        is ameliorated by Gadd45HMS01436
        Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 7 )
        Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 4 )
        Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
        Genetic Tools, Stocks and Reagents
        Sources of Stocks
        Contact lab of origin for a reagent not available from a public stock center.
        Bloomington Stock Center Disease Page
        Related mammalian, viral, bacterial, or synthetic transgenes
        Publicly Available Stocks
        Selected Drosophila transgenes
        Publicly Available Stocks
        RNAi constructs available
        Publicly Available Stocks
        Selected Drosophila classical alleles
        Allele class
        Publicly Available Stocks
        loss of function allele
        amorphic allele - genetic evidence
        amorphic allele - molecular evidence
        ends-out gene targeting
        loss of function allele
        loss of function allele
        P-element activity
        amorphic allele - genetic evidence
        loss of function allele
        ethyl methanesulfonate
        loss of function allele
        ethyl methanesulfonate
        loss of function allele
        ethyl methanesulfonate
        References (5)