FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Human Disease Model Report: Stolerman neurodevelopmental syndrome
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General Information
Stolerman neurodevelopmental syndrome
FlyBase ID
Disease Ontology Term
Parent Disease

This report describes Stolerman neurodevelopmental syndrome, a disorder caused by heterozygous, usually de novo, variants in the KDM6B gene. KDM6B encodes a demethylase that specifically demethylates lysine 27 of histone H3, and thus plays a key role in epigenetic processes controlling chromatin organization and gene silencing. There is a single orthologous gene in Drosophila, Utx, for which multiple genetic reagents have been generated, including classical loss-of-function alleles, RNAi-targeting constructs, alleles caused by insertional mutagenesis, overexpression constructs, and a CRISPR/Cas9-based TKO construct. Dmel\Utx is also orthologous to the human genes KDM6A and UTY.

Multiple UAS constructs of the human Hsap\KDM6B gene, including wild-type and human disease-implicated variants, have been introduced into flies. See the 'Disease-Implicated Variants' table below. Expression of the wild-type human gene results in distinctive phenotypes: lethality when using a ubiquitous driver and a wing-vein phenotype when using a wing-specific driver. Variants that failed to recapitulate these phenotypes were categorized as loss-of-function.

Animals homozygous for severe loss-of-function alleles of Utx typically die during the pupal stage. Using RNAi-effected knockdown of Utx in the mushroom body of the brain, memory and behavior phenotypes are observed.

[updated Mar. 2024 by FlyBase; FBrf0222196]

Disease Summary Information
Disease Summary: Stolerman neurodevelopmental syndrome
OMIM report


Human gene(s) implicated

[LYSINE DEMETHYLASE 6B; KDM6B](https://omim.org/entry/611577)

Symptoms and phenotype

A developmental disorder characterized by mildly impaired global development apparent from infancy, poor speech acquisition, hypotonia with early feeding difficulties, mildly delayed walking, and variable behavioral abnormalities, such as autistic features, hyperactivity, or attention deficits. Individuals may have coarse facial features and mild distal skeletal abnormalities. [from MIM:618505; 2023.07.03]

Developmental delay (speech-language, motor, or global) was the most common feature of Stolerman neurodevelopmental syndrome in the observed cohort. Cognitive deficits were seen consistently in all individuals, but the overall phenotype was highly variable. Most individuals had mild intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or both. A significant proportion of the individuals showed various neurological abnormalities, including hypotonia (57%), sleep disturbances (32%), seizures (13%), and movement disorders (24%). Dysmorphic facial features were noted for most of the individuals, but coarse facial features were uncommon (Rots et al., 2023; pubmed:37196654; FBrf0256700)


Although most variants occur de novo, cases of inheritance from a mildly affected parent have occurred (Rots et al., 2023; pubmed:37196654; FBrf0256700).

KDM6B is categorized as a high confidence autism-related gene (score 1) in the SFARI gene database (https://gene.sfari.org/).

NEDSST is caused by heterozygous mutation in the KDM6B gene. Mutations occur de novo; the disorder occurs sporadically in patients with no family history of a similar disorder. [from MIM:618505; 2024.03.28]

Cellular phenotype and pathology
Molecular information

KDM6B encodes a lysine-specific demethylase that specifically demethylates di- or tri-methylated lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me2 or H3K27me3). H3K27 trimethylation is a repressive epigenetic mark controlling chromatin organization and gene silencing. The KDM6B protein can also demethylate non-histone proteins such as retinoblastoma protein.

External links
Disease synonyms
KDM6B-related NDD
KDM6B-related neurodevelopmental disorder
neurodevelopmental disorder, KDM6B-related
neurodevelopmental disorder with coarse facies and mild distal skeletal abnormalities
Ortholog Information
Human gene(s) in FlyBase
Human gene (HGNC)
D. melanogaster ortholog (based on DIOPT)
Comments on ortholog(s)

Many to one: 3 human genes to 1 Drosophila gene.

Other mammalian ortholog(s) used
    D. melanogaster Gene Information (1)
    Gene Snapshot
    Utx histone demethylase (Utx) encodes a Jumonji C containing protein that catalyzes the removal of methyl groups from Histone H3 lysine 27. Together with the products of trr and Lpt, it is thought to regulate chromatin structure at transcriptional enhancers. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-21]
    Gene Groups / Pathways
    Comments on ortholog(s)

    High-scoring ortholog of human KDM6A, KDM6B, and UTY (1 Drosophila gene to 3 human).

    Orthologs and Alignments from DRSC
    DIOPT - DRSC Integrative Ortholog Prediction Tool - Click the link below to search for orthologs in Humans
    Other Genes Used: Viral, Bacterial, Synthetic (0)
      Summary of Physical Interactions (18 groups)
      Interacting group
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, molecular sieving
      anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, pull down, autoradiography
      anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      western blot, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot, pull down, anti tag western blot, molecular sieving
      anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, western blot
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting, western blot, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation
      pull down, autoradiography, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, Identification by mass spectrometry
      anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, peptide massfingerprinting
      Alleles Reported to Model Human Disease (Disease Ontology) (24 alleles)
      Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 22 )
      Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
      Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
      Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 2 )
      Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
      Genetic Tools, Stocks and Reagents
      Sources of Stocks
      Contact lab of origin for a reagent not available from a public stock center.
      Bloomington Stock Center Disease Page
      Related mammalian, viral, bacterial, or synthetic transgenes
      Publicly Available Stocks
      Selected Drosophila transgenes
      Publicly Available Stocks
      RNAi constructs available
      Publicly Available Stocks
      Selected Drosophila classical alleles
      Allele class
      Publicly Available Stocks
      amorphic allele - molecular evidence
      ethyl methanesulfonate
      amorphic allele - molecular evidence
      Delta2-3 transposase
      References (5)