FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Lewis, E. (1999.2.9). In(3LR)64;84. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
From: Kevin Cook <kcook@XXXX>
Subject: In(3LR)64;84
Hi Ed--
I recently received a stock from Jim Kennison that has a chromosome in it
that you constructed. The chromosome was described in a paper from Ian
Duncan (Hopmann et al., Genetics 1995 139(2):815--833, Transvection in the
iab-5,6,7 region of the bithorax complex of Drosophila: Homology
Independent interactions in trans) as
Dp(3;3)S462 + In(3LR)64;84 + In(3R)C
In a DIS note (D. I. S. 1980  55:207--208 ), you described Dp(3;3)S462 as an
insertion of 89D1-2;90D1 into 64C-E, but didn't mention an inversion of
64;84 on the chromosome. Was the inversion induced at the same time as the
We try to resolve questions about stocks before we start distributing them.
I hope you can help with this little problem. I'll update FlyBase with
whatever information you can provide.
Best regards,
At  12:20  AM 2/9/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Kevin, Still trying to trace back the source of balancer. . I think it was
>In(3lr) induced with x-rays on a DpS462 + 3R C chromosome and possibly with Sb
>Tb markers. I no longer have the balancer and am glad to know it exists.
>Jim's stock have Sb Tb?
>Edward B. Lewis
>Professor of Biology, Emeritus (ACTIVE)
>Biology Division, 156-29, Caltech
>Pasadena, CA 91125
>Phone: 626-395-4941
>FAX: 626-564-9685
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