FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Sarov-Blat, (2000.7.17). Paper Sarov-Blat et al, 2000, Cell 10(6): 647--656. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
Text of Personal Communication
Delivery-date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000  14:47:52  \+0100
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000  10:57:17  \-0700
From: lea sarovblat <sarovblat@XXXX>
To: Chihiro Yamada <cy200@XXXX>
Subject: paper Sarov-Blat et al, 2000, Cell 10(6): 647--656
>Dear Dr Chihiro,
>about your questions on the paper Sarov-Blat et al, 2000, Cell 10(6):
1. to1 is fine.
>1. ry506 associated to allele.
>You mention in your paper an allele of to that is associated with the
>ry506 allele. In order to properly curate your data, we need to
>assign a unique symbol to this allele. Do you have a preferred symbol
>FlyBase can use to identify your allele? (e.g. to1, where the <up></up>
>indicates superscript).
2. the accession number is AF261748 and should come out any day if you
have problems I can foword you a copy that they sent me.
>2. to accession number.
>I have been unable to find an accession number for the to gene in your
>paper. Could you provide me with this information so that we can
>place it on the genome
>Any new information you provide me with will be curated as a personal
>communication from you and FlyBase, if that is fine with you.
Please feal free to ask me if you have more questions
Lea Sarov-Blat
Dear Dr Rosbash,
I am currently curating your paper for FlyBase:
Sarov-Blat et al, 2000, Cell 10(6): 647--656
I have a couple of quick questions I was hoping you could answer for me:
1. ry506 associated to allele.
You mention in your paper an allele of to that is associated with the
ry506 allele. In order to properly curate your data, we need to
assign a unique symbol to this allele. Do you have a preferred symbol
FlyBase can use to identify your allele? (e.g. to1, where the <up></up>
indicates superscript).
2. to accession number.
I have been unable to find an accession number for the to gene in your
paper. Could you provide me with this information so that we can
place it on the genome
Any new information you provide me with will be curated as a personal
communication from you and FlyBase, if that is fine with you.
Best wishes,
Chihiro Yamada.
FlyBase (Cambridge),
Department of Genetics,
University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, email: c.yamada@XXXX
Cambridge, CB2 3EH, Ph : 01223-333963
UK. FAX: 01223-333992
Related Publication(s)
Research paper

The Drosophila takeout gene is a novel molecular link between circadian rhythms and feeding behavior.
Sarov-Blat et al., 2000, Cell 101(6): 647--656 [FBrf0128632]

Associated Information
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Other Information
Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (1)
    Genes (1)