FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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St. Johnston, D. (2001.8.23). Lethality associated with P{PZ}rL203. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
To: Chihiro Yamada <cy200@XXXX>
From: Daniel St Johnston <ds139@XXXX (Daniel St. Johnston)>
Subject: Re: FlyBase Query (cy1359)
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001  12:08:18  \+0100
Hi chihiro,
The lethality associated with P{PZ}rL203 is not due to the insertion, and
Freek recombined it off before mobilising the P.
Dr Daniel St Johnston
Wellcome/CRC Institute
Tennis Court Rd
Cambridge CB2 1QR
United Kingdom
Tel: (0)1223-334-127
Fax: (0)1223-334-089
To: ds139@XXXX
Subject: FlyBase Query (cy1359)
From: Chihiro Yamada <cy200@XXXX>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001  11:26:20  \+0100
Hi Daniel!
I'm currently curating your paper for FlyBase:
van Eeden et al., 2001, J. Cell Biol. 154(3): 511--524
This insertion is in the 5'UTR of btz. On page 515 you tell us that it
'does not cause a phenotype'. Does this mean that the homozygous
insertion does not cause a btz phenotype or does not cause any
phenotype at all, and is thus wild-type?
I need to know because currently this insertion is in our records as
causing an allele l(3)rL203rL203, which is stated to be homozygous
lethal. If there is a real discrepancy between the phenotypes here
then it suggests the lethal phenotype is separable from the insertion
and will need some extra sorting out.
Chihiro Yamada.
FlyBase (Cambridge),
Department of Genetics,
University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, email: c.yamada@XXXX
Cambridge, CB2 3EH, Ph : 01223-333963
UK. FAX: 01223-333992
Related Publication(s)
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van Eeden et al., 2001, J. Cell Biol. 154(3): 511--524 [FBrf0137276]

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