FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Collins, R.T. (2005.7.7). Genetics 2005 170:173-185 . 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005  14:44:39  \+0100
To: gm119@XXXX
From: Russell Collins <rtcollins@XXXX>
Subject: Genetics 2005  170:173-185 
Hello Gillian,
We recently published a paper (Collins and Colen, Genetics 2005
 170:173-185 ) describing a screen to identify novel components of the
Hh pathway. Some specific information, such as the map location for
some of the groups and which alleles were enhancers or suppressors,
was excluded for the paper in the interest of brevity. This
information is presented in the attached table.
Russ Collins
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005  12:53:19  \+0100
To: gm119@XXXX
From: Russell Collins <rtcollins@XXXX>
Subject: table (second try)
Hi Gillian,
Here's an updated version of the table. I added group G and its map
position, and removed the Group G members (i.e. 1440, 2050, 2291)
from the single hits.
I also noticed that mapping information for Group B-left says that
position was determined by male recombination, but did not include
the P insertions that it maps between. I added that info into the
updated table as well.
FlyBase curator comment: the changes to the original table
(Collins.2005.7.7-1.doc, deposited at Indiana) in the updated version
1. the following 3 alleles, previously listed as single hits, have been
1440 E
2050 E
2291 E
and have been added as a single complementation group (Group G):
G 1440 E E(smoDN)G1440 64E5;64F5
2050 E E(smoDN)G2050 fails to complement:
2291 E E(smoDN)G2291 Df(3L)Exel6107
2. the mapping information for Group B-left has been changed from
'mapped by male specific recombination' to 'mapped by male specific
recombination between: EP(3)0794 and EP(3)0917'.
Related Publication(s)
Research paper

A genetic screen in Drosophila for identifying novel components of the hedgehog signaling pathway.
Collins and Cohen, 2005, Genetics 170(1): 173--184 [FBrf0188527]

Associated Information
Associated Files
File date: 2005.7.7 ; File size: 120320 ; File format: doc ; File name: Collins.2005.7.7-1.doc
Other Information
Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (5)
    Alleles (109)
    Genes (91)
    Insertions (2)