FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Benson, E. (2006.3.1). Helping FlyBase: ADRC.06-60313. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006  14:12:01  \+0000 (GMT)
From: "Rachel Drysdale (Genetics)" <rd120@XXXX>
Subject: Helping FlyBase: ADRC.06-60313
To: elizabeth.benson@XXXX
Cc: rd120@XXXX
Dear Elizabeth,
We are currently curating the abstracts for the upcoming 47th
(Houston) Annual Drosophila Research Conference, for FlyBase.
I am writing in connection with your abstract:
The Drosophila testis gene expression database.
You mention several gene symbols that are new to FlyBase; sungrazer, w-cup,
c-cup, r-cup, wa-cup.  Do you know
which of the Genome Project CG annotations your genes corresponds to?
All the CGs have corresponding gene records in FlyBase already and we
don't like to make duplicate records for what is actually the same gene
unless we can't avoid it.  The CG symbols become synonyms when an
annotation is named with a more descriptive or functional name.
Also, if you have settled on a short symbol for sungrazer now would be
a good time to let me know what it is, as then I can enter it in the
database from the outset.
With best wishes,
From: Elizabeth Benson <elizabeth.benson@XXXX>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006  12:08:53  \+0000
To: "Rachel Drysdale (Genetics)" <rd120@XXXX>
Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC.06-60313
Dear Rachel,
The new gene symbols and CG numbers are as follows-
c-cup \- calcutta cup is CG15623
w-cup- world cup is CG7363
r-cup \-ryder cup is CG10998
wa-cup \-walker cup is CG10113
Transcripts for these genes were indistinguishable from each other, in the
adult testis they were
most strongly detected associated with very late elongation stages of
spermiogenesis, in a shallow
cup at the distal ends of spermatid bundles.
For sungrazer we want the short symbol sunz and this is CG15179.
Transcripts for this gene was stongly detected in late stages of spermatid
elongation. Staining
resembles a comet (like transcripts for hale and schuy), with a ball of
staining at the tails (distal-
most region) of the spermatids.
Hope this helps.
Many thanks,
Liz Benson
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    Data From Reference
    Genes (5)