FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Bach, E.A., Ekas, L.A., Ayala-Camargo, A., Flaherty, M.S., Lee, H., Perrimon, N., Baeg, G.H. (2007). GFP reporters detect the activation of the Drosophila JAK/STAT pathway in vivo.  Gene Expr. Patterns 7(3): 323--331.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
JAK/STAT signaling is essential for a wide range of developmental processes in Drosophila melanogaster. The mechanism by which the JAK/STAT pathway contributes to these processes has been the subject of recent investigation. However, a reporter that reflects activity of the JAK/STAT pathway in all Drosophila tissues has not yet been developed. By placing a fragment of the Stat92E target gene Socs36E, which contains at least two putative Stat92E binding sites, upstream of GFP, we generated three constructs that can be used to monitor JAK/STAT pathway activity in vivo. These constructs differ by the number of Stat92E binding sites and the stability of GFP. The 2XSTAT92E-GFP and 10XSTAT92E-GFP constructs contain 2 and 10 Stat92E binding sites, respectively, driving expression of enhanced GFP, while 10XSTAT92E-DGFP drives expression of destabilized GFP. We show that these reporters are expressed in the embryo in an overlapping pattern with Stat92E protein and in tissues where JAK/STAT signaling is required. In addition, these reporters accurately reflect JAK/STAT pathway activity at larval stages, as their expression pattern overlaps that of the activating ligand unpaired in imaginal discs. Moreover, the STAT92E-GFP reporters are activated by ectopic JAK/STAT signaling. STAT92E-GFP fluorescence is increased in response to ectopic upd in the larval eye disc and mis-expression of the JAK kinase hopscotch in the adult fat body. Lastly, these reporters are specifically activated by Stat92E, as STAT92E-GFP reporter expression is lost cell-autonomously in stat92E homozygous mutant tissue. In sum, we have generated in vivo GFP reporters that accurately reflect JAK/STAT pathway activation in a variety of tissues. These reporters are valuable tools to further investigate and understand the role of JAK/STAT signaling in Drosophila.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
Associated Information
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Gene Expr. Patterns
    Gene expression patterns : GEP
    Publication Year
    1567-133X 1872-7298
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (10)
    Gene Groups (1)
    Genes (8)
    Natural transposons (1)
    Insertions (4)
    Experimental Tools (2)
    Transgenic Constructs (7)