FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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FlyBase Curators, (2008-). Insertion identifiers and alleles based on genomic location of insertions with respect to gene annotations. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
FlyBase analysis
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
Associated Information

Information attributed to this reference entered the database in the course of FlyBase stock curation. FlyBase nomenclature rules currently recommend that the name of an insertion of a recombinant construct incorporate an allele symbol as the insertion identifier when an insertion is within the annotated transcription unit of a gene. In the absence of data supporting disruption of a specific gene's function, an insertion that is outside any annotated transcription unit is not considered to cause an allele. Thus, changes in either gene annotations or insertion map locations can have consequences for the symbols of insertions, and for the existence of alleles. Four kinds of changes to FlyBase records can result from reanalysis of gene annotations or insertion map data:

1. Insertions named with a line identifier or other arbitrary symbol are renamed using an allele symbol as the insertion identifier. For example, P{SUPor-P}KG06996 was renamed P{SUPor-P}Rtnl1[KG06996] in the course of FlyBase curation.

2. Insertions named with an allele symbol are renamed using a line identifier or other arbitrary symbol. For example, PBac{PB}CG6069[c05699] was renamed PBac{PB}c05699 in the course of FlyBase curation.

3. New alleles are created for genes that are physically disrupted by an insertion (defined as an insertion within the annotated transcription unit). For example, Rtnl1[KG06996] was created in the course of FlyBase curation.

4. Existing alleles are eliminated if an insertion does not physically disrupt a gene and there is no evidence for functional disruption of a specific gene. For example, CG6069[c05699] was eliminated in the course of FlyBase curation.

Associated Files
Other Information
Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (3)
    Alleles (9754)
    List limited to the first 200 records. Use the HitList export button in the left sidebar to view all records.
    Genes (3416)
    Insertions (9855)
    List limited to the first 200 records. Use the HitList export button in the left sidebar to view all records.
    Transgenic Constructs (8)