FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Yamamoto, S., Spana, E., Bellen, H., Cook, K. (2009.12.23). Microarray analysis of Df(2L)J2. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
DNA samples from Df(2L)J2 (FBab0001475) heterozygotes were compared to samples from wild type flies by Comparative Genomic Hybridization microarrays at the Duke Model System Genomics Unit as described in Erickson and Spana, 2006 (http://flybase.org/reports/FBrf0193934.html ). Corning CGAP slides spotted with the AROS Drosophila V1.1.1 ~70 nucleotide oligo set from Eurofins MWG Operon (www.operon.com) were used for the analysis. Most annotated genes were represented by a single oligo (denoted by a DM number). Sequences present at one copy in deletion heterozygotes are detected by lower relative fluorescence when compared to sequences present in two copies in wild type flies.
The left Df(2L)J2 breakpoint lies within CG5731 or CG5727 or in the region between them, and lies in the range 2L: 10208117..10210314 (R5) (predicted cytology: 31B1) based on the following evidence.
The gene order at the left Df(2L)J2 end is CG5734 (FBgn0032191), CG5731 (FBgn0032192), CG5727 (FBgn0032193). Sequences within CG5727 (DM00008571,  2L:10210314..10210382  (R5)) were deleted. A sequence within CG5731 (DM00008575,  2L:10208049..10208117  (R5)) was not deleted, but CG5731 may have been disrupted. A sequence within CG5734 (DM00008578,  2L:10206145..10206213  (R5)) was not deleted.
The right Df(2L)J2 breakpoint likely lies within CG31869, CG18561 or Nos or in the region between these genes, and lies in the range 2L: 10792442..10804501 (R5) (predicted cytology: 32B1) based on the following evidence.
The gene order at the right Df(2L)J2 end is CG17127 (FBgn0032299), CG31869 (FBgn0051869) with CG31870 (FBgn0051870) and CG18561 (FBgn0032301) in its introns, Nos (FBgn0011676) with CG6508 (FBgn0032303) and CG17134 (FBgn0032304) in its introns, CG6700 (FBgn0032305). Sequences within CG31869 (DM00005231,  2L:10773702..10773770  (R5)) and CG18561 (DM00005265,  2L:10792374..10792442  (R5)) were deleted. Sequences within Nos (DM00009394.  2L:10804501..10804569  (R5)) were not deleted, but Nos may have been disrupted. Sequences within CG6508 (DM00009217,  2L:10820157..10820225  (R5)) and CG6700 (DM00009381,  2L:10839185..10839253  (R5)) were not disrupted. No data was available for CG17134.
The rest of the microarray data are consistent with genes between CG5727 and CG31869 being deleted in Df(2L)J2.
Kevin Cook, Ph.D.               Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Department of Biology           Indiana University      
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