FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Tong, X., Zitserman, D., Serebriiskii, I., Andrake, M., Dunbrack, R., Roegiers, F. (2010). Numb independently antagonizes sanpodo membrane targeting and notch signaling in Drosophila sensory organ precursor cells.  Mol. Biol. Cell 21(5): 802--810.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
In Drosophila, mitotic neural progenitor cells asymmetrically segregate the cell fate determinant Numb in order to block Notch signaling in only one of the two daughter cells. Sanpodo, a membrane protein required for Notch signaling in asymmetrically dividing cells, is sequestered from the plasma membrane to intracellular vesicles in a Numb-dependent way after neural progenitor cell mitosis. However, the significance of Numb-dependent Sanpodo regulation is unclear. In this study, we conducted a structure-function analysis to identify the determinants of Sanpodo targeting in vivo. We identified an NPAF motif in the amino-terminal cytoplasmic tail of Sanpodo, which is conserved among insect Sanpodo homologues. The Sanpodo NPAF motif is predicted to bind directly to the Numb phosphotyrosine-binding domain and is critical for Numb binding in vitro. Deletion or mutation of the NPAF motif results in accumulation of Sanpodo at the plasma membrane in Numb-positive cells in vivo. Genetic analysis of Sanpodo NPAF mutants shows that Numb-dependent Sanpodo endocytic targeting can be uncoupled from Notch signaling regulation. Our findings demonstrate that Sanpodo contains an evolutionarily conserved motif that has been linked to Numb-dependent regulation in vertebrates and further support the model that Numb regulates Notch signaling independently of Sanpodo membrane trafficking in neural progenitor cells.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC2828966 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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    Language of Publication
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    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Mol. Biol. Cell
    Molecular Biology of the Cell
    Publication Year
    Data From Reference