FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Schuldiner, O. (2010.3.28). Important Notes On MARCM piggyBac Insertions. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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I would like to add a bit of information to help annotate the PBac{SAstopDsRed} lines from Schuldiner et al. (2008) Dev. Cell 14(2): 227--238 - some of the "important notes" are based on questions I have constantly been receiving from people using these lines.
For insertions on the second chromosome:
y*, w*; P{neoFRT}40A, P{FRT(wHS)}G13, cn1, bw1 / CyO, S*, bw1 ; floating on third: P{FRT(wHS)}2A, P{neoFRT}82B, P{Car20y}96E
Insertion of pBac{SAstopDsRed} on relevant chromosome arm. Sequence of mutator vector can be found in Genbank accession number EU257621.
IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) The combination of cn1, bw1/CyO, S*, bw1 results in white eyes regardless of w+ transgenes - therefore all flies should have white eyes when in stock - cross out to see red eye. 2) Third chromosome was never actively selected against so y+ flies may exist. 3) No FRT on mutator vector - thus NOT compatible with harvard collection to create deletions.
If on third chromosome:
y*, w*; floating on II - P{neoFRT}40A, P{FRT(wHS)}G13, cn1, bw1; P{FRT(wHS)}2A, P{neoFRT}82B, P{Car20y}96E / TM6B, Tb1
Insertion of pBac{SAstopDsRed} on relevant chromosome arm. Sequence of mutator vector can be found in Genbank accession number EU257621.
IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) Because second chromosome was never actively selected against, a small percentage of homozygous cn,bw flies resulting in white eyes can be present in the population. 2) All third chromosome flies should be yellow+ due to the insertion at 96E. 3) A small percentage of early insertions (lower LL number) were balanced with TM3, Sb1 instead of TM6B, Tb1. 4) No FRT on mutator vector - thus NOT compatible with harvard collection to create deletions.
Schematic map of pBac{SAstopDsRed} is attached as a png file.
Associated Information
Associated Files
File date: 2010.3.28 ; File size: 13000 ; File format: png ; File name: Schuldiner.2010.3.28.png
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