FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Avidor-Reiss, T. (2012.9.12). mecC and Oseg1. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
From: "Avidor-Reiss, Tomer"
Date: 12 September 2012  13:10:46  GMT+ 01:00 
To: Raymund Stefancsik
Subject: Re: 'mecC' and 'Oseg1'
Dear Raymund,
mecC' and 'Oseg1' are the same gene - please go ahead and merge the two gene records in FlyBase.
Tomer Avidor-Reiss, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Toledo
Department of Biological Sciences
3050 W. Towerview Blvd
Wolfe Hall, Room 4259B
Toledo, OH 43606
>On Sep 12, 2012, at  6:16  AM, Raymund Stefancsik wrote:
>Dear Dr. Avidor-Reiss,
>I am one of the curators with FlyBase and I am wondering if 'mecC' and 'Oseg1' are the same gene.
>The authors of FBrf0216119 (Laurençon et al., 2007, Genome Biol. 8(9): R195) state that they obtained the line
>P{ mecCP:Gal437a1}
>from you and they used this driver in the 'Oseg1' expression pattern, implying that 'mecC' and 'Oseg1' might refer to the same gene.
>As you have identified 'Oseg1' (in FBrf0174448, Avidor-Reiss et al., 2004, Cell 117(4): 527--539) and the only reference to 'mecC' is your 2001 ADRC conference abstract (FBrf0133981), I thought you might be able to clarify the relationship between 'Oseg1' and 'mecC'.
>If you could confirm that 'Oseg1' and 'mecC' refer to the same locus, then I would be happy to merge the two gene records in FlyBase.
>Thank you for your time.
>Raymund Stefancsik, Ph. D.
>FlyBase Curator
Related Publication(s)
Research paper

Identification of novel regulatory factor X (RFX) target genes by comparative genomics in Drosophila species.
Laurençon et al., 2007, Genome Biol. 8(9): R195 [FBrf0216119]

Decoding cilia function; defining specialized genes required for compartmentalized cilia biogenesis.
Avidor-Reiss et al., 2004, Cell 117(4): 527--539 [FBrf0174448]


The molecular basis of mechanosensory transduction in Drosophila melanogaster.
Avidor-Reiss et al., 2001, A. Dros. Res. Conf. 42: 797B [FBrf0133981]

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