FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Hashimoto, C., Keshishian, H., Ragg, H., Gubb, D., Vassalli, J.D., Jean, F. (2012.10.8). Serpin gene nomenclature. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
The authors have agreed to standardizing, where possible, the nomenclature of genes encoding Serpin family members in FlyBase according to the system used in FBrf0213937 and FBrf0209216.
In essence, this means:
- gene symbols will have the stem 'Spn*'
- this stem will be followed by the gene's cytological location
- genes that map to the same cytological band are distinguished by a lowercase letter
- gene fullnames will have the form 'Serpin *'
This means that genes currently named Spn1-7 will be renamed in FlyBase.  However, 'nec' ('necrotic') and 'Acp76A' (Accessory gland-specific peptide 76A) will retain their current nomenclature as these were first named for alternative, and entirely appropriate, reasons.
Other comments:
i)  I think full name should be Serpin XXX rather than serine protease inhibitor XXX; for one thing, not all proteins identified as being a serpin or belonging to the serpin family, say, by homology, will actually be a serine protease inhibitor, that is, have that activity. (C. Hashimoto)
ii) A large proportion of serpins are not protease inhibitors (and many serine protease inhibitors belong to the other families like kazal) that is unfortunate, but we are stuck with it. So I would call these proteins serpins rather than serine protease inhibitors. (D. Gubb)
The complete list of standardized symbols/names is therefore:
Spn27A		Serpin 27A
Spn28B		Serpin 28B
Spn28Da		Serpin 28Da
Spn28Db		Serpin 28Db
Spn28Dc		Serpin 28Dc
Spn28F		Serpin 28F
Spn31A		Serpin 31A
Spn38F		Serpin 38F
Spn42Da		Serpin 42Da
Spn42Db		Serpin 42Db
Spn42Dc		Serpin 42Dc
Spn42Dd		Serpin 42Dd
Spn42De		Serpin 42De
Spn43Aa		Serpin 43Aa
Spn43Ab		Serpin 43Ab
nec		necrotic
Spn43Ad		Serpin 43Ad
Spn47C		Serpin 47C
Spn53F		Serpin 53F
Spn55B		Serpin 55B
Spn75F		Serpin 75F
Acp76A		Accessory gland-specific peptide 76A
Spn77Ba		Serpin 77Ba
Spn77Bb		Serpin 77Bb
Spn77Bc		Serpin 77Bc
Spn85F		Serpin 85F
Spn88Ea		Serpin 88Ea
Spn88Eb		Serpin 88Eb
Spn100A		Serpin 100A
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