FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Hurd, T.R., Liang, F.X., Lehmann, R. (2015). Curly Encodes Dual Oxidase, Which Acts with Heme Peroxidase Curly Su to Shape the Adult Drosophila Wing.  PLoS Genet. 11(11): e1005625.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Curly, described almost a century ago, is one of the most frequently used markers in Drosophila genetics. Despite this the molecular identity of Curly has remained obscure. Here we show that Curly mutations arise in the gene dual oxidase (duox), which encodes a reactive oxygen species (ROS) generating NADPH oxidase. Using Curly mutations and RNA interference (RNAi), we demonstrate that Duox autonomously stabilizes the wing on the last day of pupal development. Through genetic suppression studies, we identify a novel heme peroxidase, Curly Su (Cysu) that acts with Duox to form the wing. Ultrastructural analysis suggests that Duox and Cysu are required in the wing to bond and adhere the dorsal and ventral cuticle surfaces during its maturation. In Drosophila, Duox is best known for its role in the killing of pathogens by generating bactericidal ROS. Our work adds to a growing number of studies suggesting that Duox's primary function is more structural, helping to form extracellular and cuticle structures in conjunction with peroxidases.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC4654585 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
Related Publication(s)

Correction: Curly Encodes Dual Oxidase, Which Acts with Heme Peroxidase Curly Su to Shape the Adult Drosophila Wing.
Hurd et al., 2016, PLoS Genet. 12(8): e1006285 [FBrf0233291]

Personal communication to FlyBase

Location data for Duox[Cy] and Duox[K] alleles.
Erdi, 2020.4.4, Location data for Duox[Cy] and Duox[K] alleles. [FBrf0245693]

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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
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    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    PLoS Genet.
    PLoS Genetics
    Publication Year
    1553-7404 1553-7390
    Data From Reference