FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Strutt, H., Gamage, J., Strutt, D. (2016). Robust Asymmetric Localization of Planar Polarity Proteins Is Associated with Organization into Signalosome-like Domains of Variable Stoichiometry.  Cell Rep. 17(10): 2660--2671.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
In developing epithelia, the core planar polarity proteins physically interact with each other and localize asymmetrically at opposite cell ends, forming intercellular complexes that link the polarity of neighboring cells. Using quantitative imaging to examine the composition of the core protein complex in vivo, we find that complex composition is unexpectedly plastic. The transmembrane proteins Frizzled and Flamingo form a stoichiometric nucleus in the complex, while the relative levels of the other four core proteins can vary independently. Exploring the functional consequences of this, we show that robust cell polarization is achieved over a range of complex stoichiometries but is dependent on maintaining appropriate levels of the components Frizzled and Strabismus. We propose that the core proteins assemble into signalosome-like structures, where stable association is not dependent on one-to-one interactions with binding partners, and signaling functions can act over a wide range of complex compositions.
Graphical Abstract
Obtained with permission from Cell Press.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC5177602 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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    Publication Type
    Cell Rep.
    Cell reports
    Data From Reference