FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Pu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Shen, P. (2018). Two Drosophila Neuropeptide Y-like Neurons Define a Reward Module for Transforming Appetitive Odor Representations to Motivation.  Sci. Rep. 8(1): 11658.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Neuropeptides, many of which are conserved among vertebrate and invertebrate animals, are implicated in the regulation of motivational states that selectively facilitate goal-directed behaviors. After a brief presentation of appetitive odors, Drosophila larvae display an impulsive-like feeding activity in readily accessible palatable food. This innate appetitive response may require coordinated signaling activities of dopamine (DA) and neuropeptide F (NPF; a fly homolog of neuropeptide Y). Here we provide anatomical and functional evidence, at single-cell resolution, that two NPF neurons define a reward module in the highest-order brain region for cognitive processing of food-related olfactory representations. First, laser lesioning of these NPF neurons abolished odor induction of appetitive arousal, while their genetic activation mimicked the behavioral effect of appetitive odors. Further, a circuit analysis shows that each of the two NPF neurons relays its signals to a subset of target neurons in the larval hindbrain-like region. Finally, the NPF neurons discriminatively responded to appetitive odor stimuli, and their odor responses were blocked by targeted lesioning of a pair of dopaminergic third-order olfactory neurons that appear to be presynaptic to the NPF neurons. Therefore, the two NPF neurons contribute to appetitive odor induction of impulsive-like feeding by selectively decoding DA-encoded ascending olfactory inputs and relaying NPF-encoded descending motivational outputs for behavioral execution.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC6076267 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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    Sci. Rep.
    Scientific reports
    Data From Reference