FB2024_02 , released April 23, 2024
Reference Report
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Wang, H., Sun, Z., Liu, D., Li, X., Rehman, R.U., Wang, H., Wu, Z. (2019). Apple phlorizin attenuates oxidative stress in Drosophila melanogaster.  J. Food Biochem. 43(3): e12744.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Apple phlorizin has a lot of applications owing to its antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties. This study explored the antioxidant effects and life span-prolonging activity of apple phlorizin in Drosophila melanogaster. Treatment with apple phlorizin was found to significantly extend the life span and ameliorate the age-related decline of locomotor function. This life span-extending activity was associated with the increased activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, mRNA expression of glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit, cap-n-collar (cnc, homologue of mammalian Nrf2 gene), Keap1, and deacetylase sir2, as well as the downregulation of methuselah. Computational analysis suggested phlorizin could work as a Nrf2 activator and exert its biological activities by interfering with the Keap1 and Nrf2 binding. Therefore, it was concluded that the antioxidant and anti-aging effects of phlorizin might, at least in part, be mediated through the cooperation with the endogenous stress defense system. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Phlorizin, from apple peel, has been used as a nutrient for over 100 years. To date, despite extensive research on phlorizin, a report on its effect on the antioxidant system in fruit flies is yet lacking. This report demonstrates that phlorizin can exert a protective effect on antioxidant issues and prolong life in fruit flies, which is valuable in the rational utilization of phlorizin in functional foods.
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    J. Food Biochem.
    Journal of food biochemistry
    0145-8884 1745-4514
    Data From Reference
    Chemicals (1)
    Genes (8)