FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Cooper, J.C., Lukacs, A., Reich, S., Schauer, T., Imhof, A., Phadnis, N. (2019). Altered Localization of Hybrid Incompatibility Proteins in Drosophila.  Mol. Biol. Evol. 36(8): 1783--1792.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Understanding the molecular basis of hybrid incompatibilities is a fundamental pursuit in evolutionary genetics. In crosses between Drosophila melanogaster females and Drosophila simulans males, an interaction between at least three genes is necessary for hybrid male lethality: Hmr mel, Lhr sim, and gfzf sim. Although HMR and LHR physically bind each other and function together in a single complex, the connection between gfzf and either of these proteins remains mysterious. Here, we show that GFZF localizes to many regions of the genome in both D. melanogaster and D. simulans, including at telomeric retrotransposon repeats. We find that GFZF localization at telomeres is significantly different between these two species, reflecting the rapid evolution of telomeric retrotransposon copy number composition between the two species. Next, we show that GFZF and HMR normally do not colocalize in D. melanogaster. In interspecies hybrids, however, HMR shows extensive mis-localization to GFZF sites, thus uncovering a new molecular interaction between these hybrid incompatibility factors. We find that spreading of HMR to GFZF sites requires gfzf sim but not Lhr sim, suggesting distinct roles for these factors in the hybrid incompatibility. Finally, we find that overexpression of HMR and LHR within species is sufficient to mis-localize HMR to GFZF binding sites, indicating that HMR has a natural low affinity for GFZF sites. Together, these studies provide the first insights into the different properties of gfzf between D. melanogaster and D. simulans, and uncover a molecular interaction between gfzf and Hmr in the form of altered protein localization.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC6657725 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
Associated Information
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Mol. Biol. Evol.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution
    Publication Year
    0737-4038 1537-1719
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (7)
    Genes (6)
    Cell Lines (2)
    Natural transposons (2)
    Insertions (2)
    Experimental Tools (1)
    Transgenic Constructs (4)