FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Sarpal, R., Yan, V., Kazakova, L., Sheppard, L., Yu, J.C., Fernandez-Gonzalez, R., Tepass, U. (2019). Role of α-Catenin and its mechanosensing properties in regulating Hippo/YAP-dependent tissue growth.  PLoS Genet. 15(11): e1008454.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
α-catenin is a key protein of adherens junctions (AJs) with mechanosensory properties. It also acts as a tumor suppressor that limits tissue growth. Here we analyzed the function of Drosophila α-Catenin (α-Cat) in growth regulation of the wing epithelium. We found that different α-Cat levels led to a differential activation of Hippo/Yorkie or JNK signaling causing tissue overgrowth or degeneration, respectively. α-Cat can modulate Yorkie-dependent tissue growth through recruitment of Ajuba, a negative regulator of Hippo signaling to AJs but also through a mechanism independent of Ajuba recruitment to AJs. Both mechanosensory regions of α-Cat, the M region and the actin-binding domain (ABD), contribute to growth regulation. Whereas M is dispensable for α-Cat function in the wing, individual M domains (M1, M2, M3) have opposing effects on growth regulation. In particular, M1 limits Ajuba recruitment. Loss of M1 causes Ajuba hyper-recruitment to AJs, promoting tissue-tension independent overgrowth. Although M1 binds Vinculin, Vinculin is not responsible for this effect. Moreover, disruption of mechanosensing of the α-Cat ABD affects tissue growth, with enhanced actin interactions stabilizing junctions and leading to tissue overgrowth. Together, our findings indicate that α-Cat acts through multiple mechanisms to control tissue growth, including regulation of AJ stability, mechanosensitive Ajuba recruitment, and dynamic direct F-actin interactions.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC6863567 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
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    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    PLoS Genet.
    PLoS Genetics
    Publication Year
    1553-7404 1553-7390
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (36)
    Genes (15)
    Natural transposons (1)
    Insertions (11)
    Experimental Tools (3)
    Transgenic Constructs (29)