FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Hassan, A., Sapir, L., Nitsan, I., Greenblatt Ben-El, R.T., Halachmi, N., Salzberg, A., Tzlil, S. (2019). A Change in ECM Composition Affects Sensory Organ Mechanics and Function.  Cell Rep. 27(8): 2272--2280.e4.
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Publication Type
Research paper
Proprioception requires the transduction of muscle-generated deformations into sensory neuronal impulses. In proprioceptive organs, the mechanical coupling between the sensory neuron and the muscle is mediated by a connective structure composed of accessory cells and an extracellular matrix (ECM). Here, we use the fly chordotonal organ (ChO) to investigate how the mechanical properties of the connective element affect mechanosensing. We show that the loss of Pericardin, a major constituent of the ChO ECM, alters the mechanical properties of the ChO resulting in short-wavelength buckling of the accessory cells upon muscle contraction and low compressive strain within the organ. We explain these results using a simplified theoretical model of an elastic beam interacting with an elastic network under a compressive force. We further demonstrate that the transition from compression to bending interferes with the ability of the accessory cells to propagate muscle-generated deformations correctly to the neuron and hence with proper sensing.
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    Cell Rep.
    Cell reports
    Data From Reference