FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Sokol, N. (2020.10.26). Sokol constructs & insertions. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Stock Center by Nick Sokol, Indiana University.
P{CG10116-KDR.PEST} expresses KD recombinase carrying a PEST sequence in the intestine under control of CG10116 regulatory sequences.
P{CG10116-KDR.PEST}attP2 is an insertion into P{CaryP}attP2 at 68A4,  3L:11070538  (R6).
M{Su(H)GBE-GAL80} expresses GAL80 in enteroblasts under the control of three tandem copies of the synthetic GBE enhancer (described in FBrf0134524).
M{Su(H)GBE-GAL80}ZH-2A is an insertion into M{3xP3-RFP.attP}ZH-2A at 2A3,  X:1451892  (R6).
P{mira(KDRT.stop)GAL4} and P{mira(KDRT.stop)GAL4.p65} express GAL4 in intestinal progenitor cells under control of mira regulatory sequences when a KDRT-flanked stop cassette is removed by KD recombinase. P{mira(KDRT.stop)GAL4} expresses unmodified GAL4, whereas P{mira(KDRT.stop)GAL4.p65} expresses GAL4 with the p65 transcriptional activation domain.
P{mira(KDRT.stop)GAL4}attP40 and P{mira(KDRT.stop)GAL4.p65}attP40 are insertions into P{CaryP}attP40 at 25C6,  2L:5108448  (R6).
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