FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Insertion: Dmel\P{GawB}NP0225
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Also Known As
NP225-GAL4, NP225, GAL4-NP225, NP225Gal4
Inserted Element
Affected gene(s)
Viability / fertility
Associated allele(s)
Stock availability
Genomic Location
Chromosomal Location
2R ( 51A4 )
Sequence Location
2R:14,479,031..14,479,031 [-]
Target / Docking site
Genomic Maps
Member of Large Scale Dataset(s)

A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the P-element construct P{GawB}. The P{GawB} construct carries a w+mW.hs mini-white visible marker and Scer\GAL4 driver/enhancer trap sequences. The GAL4-UAS system is a binary system using Scer\GAL4, a yeast transcription activator protein gene, and Scer\UAS, the DNA binding site for the GAL4 protein. The P{GawB} construct acts as an enhancer trap: expression of the GAL4 is sensitive to enhancers in the genomic region of an insertion. When paired with a construct or insertion carrying a reporter gene downstream of Scer\UAS, the reporter gene is driven by and reflects the expression of the GAL4.

Detailed Mapping Data
Chromosome (arm)
Sequence Location
2R:14,479,031..14,479,031 [-]
Cytological location (computed by FlyBase)
51A4 (inferred by FlyBase from sequence location)
Cytological location (reported)
Insertion into Natural transposon
Comments concerning location

Approximate location; corresponds to estimated site of insertion of mdg3 element in the P{GawB}NP0225 parental strain.

Repetitive region: within mdg3 element (not found at this location in the sequenced stain).

Sequence Data
Flanking sequence
Inserted Element
Size (Kb)


Component Allele(s)
Molecular map
Affected Gene(s)
Phenotypic Data
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
distribution deduced from reporter (Gal4 UAS)
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
Additional Information

Drives expression in a subset of larval mushroom body calyx glomeruli and of uniglomerular antennal lobe projection neurons.

ScerGAL4NP0225 drives expression in around 68 uniglomerular antennal lobe projection neurons. The cell bodies of around 31 of these neurons are positioned in the anterior-dorsal part of the antennal lobe. Around 29 cell bodies are found in the lateral part and around 9 are positioned ventrally. These neurons project to a large number of antennal lobe glomeruli including VM7d and VP4.

Expression is observed in 67-73 projection neurons in 35 of 43 antennal glomeruli.

Reflects expression of
Data on Genetic Line
Line ID
Origin as a multiple insertion line
Progenitor(s) within the Genome
Related Aberration or Balancer
Stocks (1)
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (10)
References (34)