FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Recombinant Construct: P{R11F03-GAL4.DBD}
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General Information
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Component Allele(s)
Also Known As
Expression Data
GAL4 reporter/driver
Associated insertion(s)
Molecular map
Description and Uses
Construct components
Component allele Scer\GAL4DBD.R11F03
Transgenic product class
Regulatory region(s)

The R11F03 enhancer fragment is fused upstream of the Drosophila synthetic core promoter (DSCP) followed by the GAL4(DBD)::Zip- hemidriver (component of the 'Split GAL4' system, contains the GAL4 DNA-binding domain). A Hsp70 transcriptional terminator is present.

Sequence Data
Sequence (FB)
Associated Sequence Data
DNA Sequence
Segments and Size
Total Size
Left end
Right end
Phenotypic Data
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
distribution deduced from reporter (Gal4 UAS)
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
larval mushroom body output neuron h1

Comment: when combined with P{R67B01-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS00894'), MBON-h1/h2 were indistinguishable

larval mushroom body output neuron h2

Comment: when combined with P{R67B01-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS00894'), MBON-h1/h2 were indistinguishable

mushroom body output neuron 15

Comment: when combined with P{R24H08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB026B')

when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

when combined with P{R65B09-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB050B')

mushroom body output neuron 18

Comment: when combined with P{R65B09-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB050B')

when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

mushroom body output neuron 19

Comment: when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

mushroom body output neuron 17

Comment: when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

mushroom body output neuron 16

Comment: when combined with P{R24H08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB026B')

when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

mushroom body output neuron 16 | faint

Comment: when combined with P{R24H08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB026B')

mushroom body output neuron 18 | intense

Comment: when combined with P{R65B09-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB050B')

when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

mushroom body output neuron 19 | faint

Comment: when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

mushroom body output neuron 17 | faint

Comment: when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

mushroom body vertical lobe arborizing neuron 2 alpha' | faint

Comment: when combined with P{R71D08-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB052B')

adult brain | faint | restricted

Comment: when combined with P{R20A02-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02707')

when combined with P{R50H07-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02705')

when combined with P{R56H10-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02712')

when combined with P{R67A06-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02702')

adult brain | restricted

Comment: when combined with P{R20A02-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02707')

when combined with P{R50H07-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02705')

when combined with P{R67A06-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02702')

adult optic lobe neuron | subset

Comment: when combined with P{R20A02-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02707')

when combined with P{R56H10-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02712')

adult ellipsoid body ring neuron R1

Comment: when combined with P{R20A02-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02707')

when combined with P{R50H07-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02705')

when combined with P{R67A06-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02702')

adult ellipsoid body ring neuron R3

Comment: when combined with P{R20A02-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02707')

when combined with P{R50H07-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02705')

when combined with P{R56H10-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02712')

when combined with P{R67A06-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02702')

adult ellipsoid body ring neuron R4

Comment: when combined with P{R20A02-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02707')

when combined with P{R50H07-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02705')

when combined with P{R56H10-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02712')

when combined with P{R67A06-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02702')

adult ellipsoid body ring neuron | subset

Comment: when combined with P{R67A06-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS02702')

Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Virtual Fly Brain - A database to explore neuroanatomy, connectivity and gene expression
Progenitors and Descendants
Stocks (13)
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    References (23)