FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Recombinant Construct: P{ple-GAL4.DBD.TH-F}
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General Information
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Component Allele(s)
Expression Data
GAL4 reporter/driver
Associated insertion(s)
Molecular map
Description and Uses
Construct components
Component allele Scer\GAL4DBD.ple.TH-F
Transgenic product class

A genomic fragment from within the ple gene regulates expression of the GAL4(DBD)::Zip- hemidriver.

Sequence Data
Sequence (FB)
Associated Sequence Data
DNA Sequence
Segments and Size
Total Size
Left end
Right end
Phenotypic Data
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
distribution deduced from reporter (Gal4 UAS)
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
MB-alpha neuron of the dopaminergic PPL1 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{DAT-B-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R60F07-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

MB-alpha' neuron of the dopaminergic PPL1 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{DAT-B-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R60F07-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

SMP neuron of the dopaminergic PPL1 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{DAT-B-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R60F07-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

dFB neuron of the dopaminergic PPL1 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{DAT-B-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R60F07-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

mushroom body medial-vertical lobe arborizing neuron 1

Comment: when combined with P{DAT-B-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R60F07-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

mushroom body pedunculus-medial lobe arborizing neuron 1

Comment: when combined with P{DAT-B-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F02-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F05-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-C}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

mushroom body vertical lobe arborizing neuron 1

Comment: when combined with P{DAT-B-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R60F07-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

LAL-SEG neuron of the dopaminergic PPM2 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R61H03-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F05-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-C}

VLP neuron of the dopaminergic PPM2 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R61H03-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-C}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

VLP-AMMC neuron of the dopaminergic PPM2 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R61H03-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F05-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-C}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

WED neuron of the dopaminergic PPM2 cluster

Comment: when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R60F07-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R61H03-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F05-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-C}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-D}

dopaminergic PPM1 neuron

Comment: when combined with P{R55C10-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R61H03-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-C}

LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster

Comment: when combined with P{R61H03-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F01-p65.AD}

when combined with P{R76F05-p65.AD}

when combined with P{ple-p65.AD.TH-C}

Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Progenitors and Descendants
Stocks (1)
Stocks containing insertion(s) of this recombinant construct
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (2)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    References (2)