FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term ribonucleoprotein granule ID (Ontology) GO:0035770 (Gene Ontology)
Definition A non-membranous macromolecular complex containing proteins and translationally silenced mRNAs. RNA granules contain proteins that control the localization, stability, and translation of their RNA cargo. Different types of RNA granules (RGs) exist, depending on the cell type and cellular conditions.[ PubMed:16520386 PubMed:20368989 PubMed:21436445 ]
Also Known As "mRNP granule" ; "RNP granule"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Constructs
 ribonucleoprotein granule (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       --       6       --
     is_active_in | ribonucleoprotein granule       --       4       --
     located_in | ribonucleoprotein granule       --       2       --
     ribonucleoprotein granule | adult stage       1       --       --
     ribonucleoprotein granule | adult stage | increased number       3       --       3
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
non-membrane-bounded organelle
 |__intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle__
intracellular organelle                           |
 |__intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle__|
cellular anatomical entity                        |
 |__supramolecular complex________________________|
                                                  ribonucleoprotein granule  124 rec.
                                                   |__cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule 119 rec.
                                                   |   |__chromatoid body
                                                   |   |__cytoplasmic stress granule 17 rec.
                                                   |   |__GW body
                                                   |   |__mutator focus
                                                   |   |__neuronal ribonucleoprotein granule 14 rec.
                                                   |   |__P granule(+) 52 rec.
                                                   |   |__P-body(+) 44 rec.
                                                   |   |__RNP body
                                                   |   |__TIS granule
                                                   |   |__Z granule
                                                   |__nuclear stress granule 1 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
View Depth
Show hierarchy levels: for parents, for children
hide Relationships
Is a intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle
supramolecular complex
Part of
hide Synonyms & Secondary IDs
  • "mRNP granule" EXACT
    "RNA granule" NARROW
    "RNP granule" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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