FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term generation of precursor metabolites and energy ID (Ontology) GO:0006091 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of precursor metabolites, substances from which energy is derived, and any process involved in the liberation of energy from these substances.
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 generation of precursor metabolites and energy (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       3
     involved_in | generation of precursor metabolites and energy       3
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
metabolic process__
cellular process___|
                   cellular metabolic process
                    |__generation of precursor metabolites and energy  290 rec.
                        |__acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from ethanol 1 rec.
                        |__electron transport chain 130 rec.
                        |   |__P450-containing electron transport chain 2 rec.
                        |   |__photosynthetic electron transport chain(+)
                        |   |__respiratory electron transport chain(+) 125 rec.
                        |__energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds 233 rec.
                        |   |__cellular respiration(+) 188 rec.
                        |   |__energy reserve metabolic process(+) 45 rec.
                        |   |__fermentation(+)
                        |__energy derivation by oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds
                        |   |__aerobic respiration, using ammonia as electron donor
                        |   |__aerobic respiration, using arsenite as electron donor
                        |   |__aerobic respiration, using carbon monoxide as electron donor
                        |   |__aerobic respiration, using ferrous ions as electron donor
                        |   |__aerobic respiration, using hydrogen as electron donor
                        |   |__aerobic respiration, using nitrite as electron donor
                        |   |__aerobic respiration, using sulfur or sulfate as electron donor
                        |   |__anaerobic respiration, using ammonium as electron donor
                        |   |__lead sulfide oxidation
                        |   |__methanogenesis(+)
                        |__glucose catabolic process to pyruvate utilizing ADP
                        |__glycolytic process 36 rec.
                        |   |__glycolytic process from glycerol
                        |   |__glycolytic process from sucrose(+)
                        |   |__glycolytic process through fructose-1-phosphate
                        |   |__glycolytic process through fructose-6-phosphate(+) 26 rec.
                        |   |__glycolytic process via Entner-Doudoroff Pathway
                        |   |__regulation of glycolytic process(+) 7 rec.
                        |__ketone body metabolic process 3 rec.
                        |   |__acetoacetic acid metabolic process(+)
                        |   |__ketone body biosynthetic process(+) 2 rec.
                        |   |__ketone body catabolic process(+) 1 rec.
                        |__NADPH regeneration 11 rec.
                        |   |__pentose-phosphate shunt(+) 10 rec.
                        |   |__pentose-phosphate shunt, oxidative branch 4 rec.
                        |   |__photosynthetic NADP+ reduction
                        |__pentose-phosphate shunt, non-oxidative branch 5 rec.
                        |__photosynthesis, light harvesting
                        |   |__photosynthesis, light harvesting in photosystem I
                        |   |__photosynthesis, light harvesting in photosystem II
                        |   |__photosystem II repair
                        |__photosynthesis, light reaction
                        |   |__photosynthesis, light harvesting
                        |   |__photosynthetic electron transport chain(+)
                        |   |__photosynthetic NADP+ reduction
                        |   |__photosynthetic phosphorylation(+)
                        |   |__photosystem I assembly
                        |   |__photosystem II assembly(+)
                        |   |__regulation of photosynthesis, light reaction(+)
                        |__regulation of generation of precursor metabolites and energy 50 rec.
                        |   |__regulation of cellular respiration(+) 14 rec.
                        |   |__regulation of electron transfer activity(+)
                        |   |__regulation of fermentation(+)
                        |   |__regulation of glycogen metabolic process(+) 24 rec.
                        |   |__regulation of glycolytic process(+) 7 rec.
                        |   |__regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled electron transport(+) 4 rec.
                        |   |__regulation of pentose-phosphate shunt(+) 1 rec.
                        |   |__regulation of photosynthesis, light reaction(+)
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a cellular metabolic process
Part of
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  • "energy pathways" BROAD
    "intermediary metabolism" RELATED
    "metabolic energy generation" RELATED
Secondary IDs
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