FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term heart development ID (Ontology) GO:0007507 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the heart over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 heart development (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      43
     involved_in | heart development      43
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
system development
 |__circulatory system development__
anatomical structure development    |
 |__animal organ development________|
                                    heart development  107 rec.
                                     |__adult heart development 1 rec.
                                     |__atrioventricular canal development
                                     |   |__atrioventricular canal morphogenesis
                                     |__cardiac chamber development
                                     |   |__bulbus arteriosus development(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac atrium development(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac chamber morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac septum development(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac ventricle development(+)
                                     |   |__conus arteriosus development(+)
                                     |   |__sinus venosus development(+)
                                     |__cardiac jelly development
                                     |__cardiac muscle tissue development 12 rec.
                                     |   |__atrial cardiac muscle tissue development(+)
                                     |   |__atrioventricular node development(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac conduction system development(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac muscle cell differentiation(+) 6 rec.
                                     |   |__cardiac muscle tissue growth(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development(+) 1 rec.
                                     |   |__ventricular cardiac muscle tissue development(+)
                                     |__cardiac skeleton development
                                     |   |__endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition involved in cardiac skeleton development
                                     |__cardiocyte differentiation 31 rec.
                                     |   |__cardiac cell development(+) 5 rec.
                                     |   |__cardiac cell fate commitment(+) 17 rec.
                                     |   |__cardiac endothelial cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac fibroblast cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac glial cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac muscle cell differentiation(+) 6 rec.
                                     |   |__cardiac neural crest cell differentiation involved in heart development(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac neuron differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac septum cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__cardioblast differentiation(+) 20 rec.
                                     |   |__endocardial cushion cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__heart valve cell differentiation
                                     |   |__regulation of cardiocyte differentiation(+) 7 rec.
                                     |__cell migration involved in heart development 1 rec.
                                     |   |__cardiac neural crest cell migration involved in outflow tract morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__cell migration involved in coronary angiogenesis
                                     |   |__cell migration involved in coronary vasculogenesis
                                     |   |__cell migration involved in endocardial cushion formation
                                     |   |__cell migration involved in heart formation(+)
                                     |   |__cell migration involved in heart jogging
                                     |   |__cell migration to the midline involved in heart development(+) 1 rec.
                                     |   |__epicardium-derived cell migration to the myocardium
                                     |   |__proepicardium cell migration involved in pericardium morphogenesis
                                     |__cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development
                                     |   |__fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development
                                     |   |__Notch signaling involved in heart development(+)
                                     |   |__semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway involved in outflow tract morphogenesis
                                     |   |__smoothened signaling pathway involved in regulation of secondary heart field cardioblast proliferation
                                     |   |__Wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development(+)
                                     |__coronary vasculature development
                                     |   |__cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__coronary vasculature morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__heart capillary growth
                                     |__determination of heart left/right asymmetry
                                     |   |__heart jogging(+)
                                     |   |__heart looping(+)
                                     |__determination of lung left/right asymmetry
                                     |__embryonic heart tube anterior/posterior pattern specification 3 rec.
                                     |   |__dorsal vessel aortic cell fate commitment 1 rec.
                                     |   |__dorsal vessel heart proper cell fate commitment 2 rec.
                                     |__embryonic heart tube development 24 rec.
                                     |   |__embryonic heart tube dorsal/ventral pattern formation
                                     |   |__embryonic heart tube elongation
                                     |   |__embryonic heart tube left/right pattern formation
                                     |   |__embryonic heart tube morphogenesis(+) 3 rec.
                                     |   |__heart rudiment development(+) 1 rec.
                                     |__endocardial cushion development
                                     |   |__endocardial cushion cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__endocardial cushion morphogenesis(+)
                                     |__endocardium development
                                     |   |__endocardial cell differentiation(+)
                                     |   |__endocardial endothelium development
                                     |   |__endocardium morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__extracellular matrix organization involved in endocardium development
                                     |__heart growth
                                     |   |__cardiac muscle tissue growth(+)
                                     |   |__growth involved in heart morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__heart capillary growth
                                     |   |__regulation of heart growth(+)
                                     |__heart morphogenesis 40 rec.
                                     |   |__apoptotic process involved in heart morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__atrial ventricular junction remodeling(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac chamber morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition(+)
                                     |   |__cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__cardiogenic plate morphogenesis
                                     |   |__cell adhesion involved in heart morphogenesis(+) 12 rec.
                                     |   |__cell proliferation involved in heart morphogenesis(+) 1 rec.
                                     |   |__embryonic heart tube morphogenesis(+) 3 rec.
                                     |   |__endocardial cushion morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__growth involved in heart morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__heart formation(+) 7 rec.
                                     |   |__heart wedging
                                     |   |__outflow tract morphogenesis(+) 4 rec.
                                     |   |__planar cell polarity pathway involved in heart morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of heart morphogenesis(+) 2 rec.
                                     |__heart valve development
                                     |   |__atrioventricular valve development(+)
                                     |   |__cell proliferation involved in heart valve development(+)
                                     |   |__coronary sinus valve development(+)
                                     |   |__heart valve cell differentiation
                                     |   |__heart valve morphogenesis(+)
                                     |   |__semi-lunar valve development(+)
                                     |   |__sinoatrial valve development(+)
                                     |   |__ventriculo bulbo valve development(+)
                                     |__larval heart development 5 rec.
                                     |__pericardium development 2 rec.
                                         |__pericardium morphogenesis(+) 2 rec.
                                         |__visceral serous pericardium development
Spanning Tree View Settings
View Depth
Show hierarchy levels: for parents, for children
hide Relationships
Is a animal organ development
Part of circulatory system development
hide Synonyms & Secondary IDs
  • "cardiac development" RELATED
    "dorsal vessel development" NARROW
Secondary IDs
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