FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term neuron projection development ID (Ontology) GO:0031175 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a neuron projection over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A neuron projection is any process extending from a neural cell, such as axons or dendrites (collectively called neurites).
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 neuron projection development (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      14
     involved_in | neuron projection development      14
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
cell projection organization
 |__plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization__
neuron differentiation                                    |
 |__neuron development____________________________________|
cell development                                          |
 |__neuron development____________________________________|
                                                          neuron projection development  526 rec.
                                                           |__axon development 368 rec.
                                                           |   |__afferent axon development in lateral line nerve(+)
                                                           |   |__axon regeneration(+) 18 rec.
                                                           |   |__axonal defasciculation(+) 12 rec.
                                                           |   |__axonal fasciculation(+) 24 rec.
                                                           |   |__axonogenesis(+) 346 rec.
                                                           |__dendrite development 199 rec.
                                                           |   |__apical dendrite development(+)
                                                           |   |__basal dendrite development(+)
                                                           |   |__dendrite development by retrograde extension(+)
                                                           |   |__dendrite morphogenesis(+) 182 rec.
                                                           |   |__dendrite regeneration 5 rec.
                                                           |   |__dendritic spine development(+) 6 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of dendrite development(+) 57 rec.
                                                           |__dendritic spine morphogenesis 6 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis(+) 1 rec.
                                                           |__inner ear receptor cell stereocilium organization
                                                           |   |__auditory receptor cell stereocilium organization
                                                           |   |__stereocilium maintenance
                                                           |   |__vestibular receptor cell stereocilium organization
                                                           |__neuron projection fasciculation 25 rec.
                                                           |   |__axonal fasciculation(+) 24 rec.
                                                           |__neuron projection guidance 277 rec.
                                                           |   |__axon guidance(+) 268 rec.
                                                           |   |__dendrite guidance(+) 24 rec.
                                                           |   |__neuron projection extension involved in neuron projection guidance(+) 12 rec.
                                                           |   |__semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway involved in neuron projection guidance(+)
                                                           |   |__sympathetic neuron projection guidance
                                                           |__neuron projection morphogenesis 478 rec.
                                                           |   |__axonogenesis(+) 346 rec.
                                                           |   |__dendrite morphogenesis(+) 182 rec.
                                                           |   |__dendritic spine morphogenesis 6 rec.
                                                           |   |__neuron projection arborization(+) 8 rec.
                                                           |   |__neuron projection extension(+) 52 rec.
                                                           |   |__neuron projection guidance 277 rec.
                                                           |   |__rhabdomere morphogenesis 5 rec.
                                                           |__neuron projection regeneration 21 rec.
                                                           |   |__axon regeneration(+) 18 rec.
                                                           |   |__dendrite regeneration 5 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of neuron projection regeneration(+) 14 rec.
                                                           |__regulation of neuron projection development 124 rec.
                                                           |   |__negative regulation of neuron projection development(+) 12 rec.
                                                           |   |__positive regulation of neuron projection development(+) 31 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of axon guidance(+) 20 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of axonogenesis(+) 46 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of dendrite development(+) 57 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis(+) 1 rec.
                                                           |   |__regulation of neuron projection regeneration(+) 14 rec.
                                                           |__retrograde extension
                                                               |__cell adhesion involved in retrograde extension(+)
                                                               |__dendrite development by retrograde extension(+)
                                                               |__neuron migration involved in retrograde extension(+)
Spanning Tree View Settings
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hide Relationships
Is a plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization
Part of neuron development
hide Synonyms & Secondary IDs
  • "neurite biosynthesis" NARROW
    "neurite development" NARROW
    "neurite formation" NARROW
    "neurite growth" NARROW
    "neurite outgrowth" NARROW
Secondary IDs
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